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Youth4Policy Migration Fellowship

Introduction to Migration and Forced Displacement.

Youth4Policy is an initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung aimed at empowering the next generation of policy experts to meaningfully contribute to policy analysis and public debates. Youth4Policy serves as a capacity development lab for youth leaders from a diverse spectrum of backgrounds such as academia, civil society, and public service with a motivation to research and analyze specific policy questions from a youth perspective. Particularly for the next five years, the fellowship program shall attract young researchers who are interested to study and explore pertinent policy questions around migration and forced displacement issues in Uganda and South Sudan.


An Innovation Fireplace that brought together Ugandan startups and German politicians

Ugandan Startup Ecosystem

On 14th of June, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), together with Media Challenge Initiative (MCI), hosted the Innovation Fireplace: A Panel discussion and exhibition of the Ugandan Startup Ecosystem at MCI Media Hub. More than 30 startup innovators met with a delegation of German Members of Parliament to discuss startup investment, political economy, ease of doing business and to showcase their innovations. The discussion focused on the prospects of Uganda's younger generation for investment and innovation to promote entrepreneurship and employment. Afterwards, the German delegates visited the various exhibition booths and talked to leading young innovators.


Games and Politics

Interactive Exhibition

Games and Politics is a touring exhibition by Goethe Institut that has been travelling around the globe, last stop was Addis Ababa in Ethopia. This year’s edition is being hosted in Kampala (March - May) in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Uganda and South Sudan and the Design Hub Kampala. It is based on the exhibition Global Games by the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien) in Karlsruhe, Germany, and focuses explicitly on political games created since 2004.

Live stream

2021 Social Media Conference

The Uganda Social Media Conference

We are delighted to announce the 6th Edition of its flagship convening “The Uganda Social Media Conference”. The conference which brings together key stakeholders from government, civil society, academia, and the media for an exchange on the state and impact of social media on society is set to be held virtually in August 2021 on 25th – 26th, at Kampala Sheraton Hotel.


Remembering the construction of the Berlin Wall 60 years ago!

An Event to commemorate the rise & fall of the Berlin Wall.

Together with Goethe Zentrum Kampala (GZK), we are planning to remember the construction of the Berlin Wall, 60 years ago with an ONLINE event under the theme; ‘The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall’. This will take place on 13th August 2021. Visit our social media pages for more updates on the event.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Service User Committee Training - Lira /Gulu /Amuria /Napak

Service delivery in Northern Uganda


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #7

Community Participation in Northern Uganda


District Dialogue - Amuria #3

Public Resources Management in Amuria district


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #6

Community Participation in Northern Uganda

Asset Publisher

"Kultur ist das Einzige was uns davon abhält, uns gegenseitig zu töten!"

Im Südsudan wird die kulturelle Vielfalt oft als eines der Hauptprobleme im andauernden Bürgerkrieg identifiziert. Kultur ist jedoch auch eines der am meisten unterschätzten sozialen Werkzeuge zur Konfliktlösung. Aus diesem Grund kamen Mitglieder verschiedener südsudanesischer Gruppen in Kampala zusammen, um über die positive Rolle der kulturellen Vielfalt im Südsudan zu sprechen.

South Sudanese advised to practice inter-tribal marriages

In South Sudan, cultural diversity is often identified as one of the main problems in the ongoing civil war. Yet, culture is also one of the most underestimated social tools in conflict resolution. Because of this, members of different South Sudanese groups came together in Kampala to talk about the positive role of cultural diversity in South Sudan and how to use it to make the freshly signed Khartoum Declaration work.

64. Thema des Arise Magazine „Die Flüchtlingskrise- eine Frauen- Ausgabe“ wurde offiziell veröffentlich

Am 31. August hat die KAS zusammen mit dem Mitherausgeber Action vor Development (ACFODE), während eines gemeinsamen Networking-Empfangs, in das neue Thema ihres Arise Magazins eingeführt. Zu Ehren des Themas "Die Flüchtlingskrise- eine Frauen Ausgabe" waren Vertreter des Amtes des Premierministers, sowie des ACFODE und verschiedener Frauenrechts- und Flüchtlingsrechtsorganisationen eingeladen, um an einer Podiumsdiskussion teilzunehmen.

64th issue of Arise Magazine “The Refugee Crisis – a Women‘s Rights Issue“ officially launched.

On Friday, 31st of August, the new issue of Arise Magazine was officially launched during a networking reception, organized in partnership with Co-publisher Action for Development (ACFODE). In honor of the topic “The refugee Crisis, a Women’s Edition” representatives of the Office of the Prime Minister as well as ACFODE and different womens’ rights and refugee rights organizations were present to engage in a panel discussion.

Interessenvertreter diskutieren die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung für den öffentlichen Verkehr in Kampala.

Der Transportsektor ist einer der wichtigsten ökonomischen Faktoren in der Wirtschaft Ugandas. Abgesehen davon, dass der Sektor tausenden Ugandern als Arbeitgeber dient, sind viele andere ökonomische Sektoren ebenfalls abhängig von einem funktionierenden Transportsystem. Mit dem jüngsten technischen Fortschritt, können wir wesentliche Durchbrüche bezeugen. Aus diesem Grund hat die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) zusammen mit dem African Center for Trade and Development (ACTADE) eine Diskussionsrunde mit wichtigen Interessenvertretern organisiert.

Stakeholders discuss the impact of digitalization for the public transportation sector in Kampala.

The transportation sector is one of the most important economic drivers for the Ugandan economy. Apart from employing thousands of Ugandans, many other economic sectors also depend on a functioning transportation system. With the recent technical progress, we could witness major breakthroughs in the transportation sector. Because of this, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) together with African Cente for Trade and Development (ACTADE) organized a roundtable discussion with important stakeholders to talk about the impact of digitalization on the transportation sector in Uganda.

The Next Generation of Policy Experts Learn Lobbying, Strategic Communication and Networking in Public Policy

Strategic communication, lobbying and networking are some of the fundamental elements in public policy research. Ideally, without these elements, a well-researched and well-written policy paper will remain meaningless if poorly communicated and to the wrong audience. Because of this, we dedicated our third Policy development seminar to this topic.

Das südsudanesische Friedensabkommen: Einmalige Chance oder tickende Zeitbombe?

Der 7. August 2018 markiert eine historische Wende in der Geschichte des Südsudans. Dutzende Parteien, darunter Kriegsparteien aus Regierung und Opposition, unterzeichneten in der Freundschaftshalle in Khartum ein Friedensabkommen. Der ugandische Präsident Museveni und Omar Al Bashir, Präsident vom Sudan, unterschrieben das Abkommen als Friedensgaranten.

Junge Politikexperten lernen Lobbying, strategische Kommunikation und Networking kennen.

Kommunikation gehört zum kleinen Einmal eins von Journalisten, Politikexperten und Politikern. Genau aus diesem Grund haben wir das dritte Youth4Policy-Seminar diesem Thema gewidmet.

Making the newly signed South Sudanese peace agreement work

7th Aug 2018 marks an historical epoch in South Sudan’s history. Dozens, including warring factions both from government and opposition signed a peace agreement at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum with Presidents Museveni of Uganda and Omar Al Bashir of Sudan as guarantors.