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Youth4Policy Migration Fellowship

Introduction to Migration and Forced Displacement.

Youth4Policy is an initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung aimed at empowering the next generation of policy experts to meaningfully contribute to policy analysis and public debates. Youth4Policy serves as a capacity development lab for youth leaders from a diverse spectrum of backgrounds such as academia, civil society, and public service with a motivation to research and analyze specific policy questions from a youth perspective. Particularly for the next five years, the fellowship program shall attract young researchers who are interested to study and explore pertinent policy questions around migration and forced displacement issues in Uganda and South Sudan.


An Innovation Fireplace that brought together Ugandan startups and German politicians

Ugandan Startup Ecosystem

On 14th of June, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), together with Media Challenge Initiative (MCI), hosted the Innovation Fireplace: A Panel discussion and exhibition of the Ugandan Startup Ecosystem at MCI Media Hub. More than 30 startup innovators met with a delegation of German Members of Parliament to discuss startup investment, political economy, ease of doing business and to showcase their innovations. The discussion focused on the prospects of Uganda's younger generation for investment and innovation to promote entrepreneurship and employment. Afterwards, the German delegates visited the various exhibition booths and talked to leading young innovators.


Games and Politics

Interactive Exhibition

Games and Politics is a touring exhibition by Goethe Institut that has been travelling around the globe, last stop was Addis Ababa in Ethopia. This year’s edition is being hosted in Kampala (March - May) in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Uganda and South Sudan and the Design Hub Kampala. It is based on the exhibition Global Games by the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien) in Karlsruhe, Germany, and focuses explicitly on political games created since 2004.

Live stream

2021 Social Media Conference

The Uganda Social Media Conference

We are delighted to announce the 6th Edition of its flagship convening “The Uganda Social Media Conference”. The conference which brings together key stakeholders from government, civil society, academia, and the media for an exchange on the state and impact of social media on society is set to be held virtually in August 2021 on 25th – 26th, at Kampala Sheraton Hotel.


Remembering the construction of the Berlin Wall 60 years ago!

An Event to commemorate the rise & fall of the Berlin Wall.

Together with Goethe Zentrum Kampala (GZK), we are planning to remember the construction of the Berlin Wall, 60 years ago with an ONLINE event under the theme; ‘The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall’. This will take place on 13th August 2021. Visit our social media pages for more updates on the event.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Service User Committee Training - Lira /Gulu /Amuria /Napak

Service delivery in Northern Uganda


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #7

Community Participation in Northern Uganda


District Dialogue - Amuria #3

Public Resources Management in Amuria district


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #6

Community Participation in Northern Uganda

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“If you don’t actively engage in your council, then you are as good as an empty chair”

The two-day follow-up training on the women caucuses in Kabale District offered participants a chance to refresh their commitment towards implementing gender-responsive policies, programmes and budgets and strengthened networking and knowledge sharing among the councillors from the sub counties and district.

Promoting Access to Information in Bunyoro Sub-Region

‘Access to information is the engine of development’ – It is a right guaranteed under the article 41 of 1995 constitution of Uganda, which is again operationalized by the Access to Information Act (ATIA) 2005. In Uganda, most district officials and the general public are unaware of this law. Consequently, the key components of the ATIA are not effectively put into practise. To tackle this challenge, Hub for Investigative Media (HIM) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) conducted a Workshop from the 28th to the 30th of May in Hoima to provide an insight in the ATIA as well as to deepen the understanding of access to information for a functioning democracy.

"There is no ‘one best way’ to handle conflict" – discussing various conflict management and solution finding techniques with South Sudanese communities and leaders

On the 27th of May 2019, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the Network of South Sudanese Civil Society Organizations in Uganda (NoSSCOU) hosted a workshop on the topic of conflict resolution. The event was organized to equip the South Sudanese community and organizational leaders with the basic skills in conflict management and solution finding.

Youth4Policy fellows headed for Kabarole

First Policy Learning Mission

The first Policy Learning Mission offered the 2019 Youth4Policy fellow class a chance to actively engage in insightful discussions with different political stakeholders and the local community in Kabarole District. Throughout the weekend, the fellows gained a deeper understanding of the complexities of public policy design and implementation, which will help them to sharpen their research focus.

Be Organized and Prepared to Lead your Country to Greatness – South Sudanese Youth Advised

On 21st May 2019, a section of South Sudanese youth met at the Juba Regency Hotel to discuss their roles in nation building so as to promote development. Attended by over 80 youth leaders from different parts of the country and organizations such youth associations; youth led organizations, the national youth union and government institutions. The dialogue was organized in partnership with Centre for Rehabilitation and Development (CEFoRD). Specifically, the public dialogue provided a platform for the youth to discuss the relevance of active citizenship in building national identify for South Sudan

"Stand together and make it work" – promoting political pluralism and stronger collaboration among leaders at the local government level

From the 21 - 22 of May, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung together with the Directorate of National Guidance hosted a training for district leaders in Mbale. The event aimed to promote political pluralism and stronger collaboration among the appointed and elected leaders at the local government level. This workshop was one out of a series of workshop activities, which took place in various districts since 2016. This time 48 participants of Manafa, Budaka and Mbale districts came together to attend the training.

KAS-UMU Scholars in Uganda discuss the social and economic opportunities which Social Protections Floors could offer for Uganda

On the 10th of May, 2019, scholars and the alumni members of our scholarship programme at Uganda Martyrs University gathered in Kampala to examine the social and economic opportunities Social Protection Floors could offer for Uganda and discussed ways in which the challenges of establishing such mechanisms could be overcome.

Ugandan experts call for more action to address climate change.

Climate change is real. It is a global threat whose impacts are felt already at the smallest scales. To tackle this problem, the African Center for Trade and Development (ACTADE) together with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) hosted a round table discussion on 7th of May. The debate dealt with the topic of the facing climate change challenges and Uganda’s response plans and actions towards it. The expert discussion engaged 30 participants from several fields related to climate change. Participants from Government and Private sector, academia, media, and relevant Civil Society Organizations actively discussed not only governmental but also individual actions which positively impacting climate change.

South Sudanese Refugees at Bidi-Bidi Rally to Defy Ethnic Divides and Build Peace

Misunderstanding cultures can lead to conflicts - this is particularly relevant in the context of South Sudan, where 64 different ethnic groups exist. At our intercultural dialogue organised together with the Network of South Sudanese Civil Society Organizations in Uganda (NoSSCOU) and Young-adult Empowerment Initiative (YEi), we brought together different stakeholders to discuss how to live together peacefully and constructively in a multicultural setting and to develop a sense of community and belonging.

Young Professionals step up to contribute to Public Policy in Uganda

Kicking off the second Y4P Fellowship

From the 25th to the 28th of April, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in partnership with the Centre for Development Alternatives (CDA) and the Public Policy Institute (PPI) hosted the inaugural workshop for the second cohort of fellows of the Youth4Policy programme. Through the training workshop, the fellows were able to discuss and refine their policy research topics, which will be further developed throughout the upcoming months.