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Youth4Policy Migration Fellowship

Introduction to Migration and Forced Displacement.

Youth4Policy is an initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung aimed at empowering the next generation of policy experts to meaningfully contribute to policy analysis and public debates. Youth4Policy serves as a capacity development lab for youth leaders from a diverse spectrum of backgrounds such as academia, civil society, and public service with a motivation to research and analyze specific policy questions from a youth perspective. Particularly for the next five years, the fellowship program shall attract young researchers who are interested to study and explore pertinent policy questions around migration and forced displacement issues in Uganda and South Sudan.


An Innovation Fireplace that brought together Ugandan startups and German politicians

Ugandan Startup Ecosystem

On 14th of June, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), together with Media Challenge Initiative (MCI), hosted the Innovation Fireplace: A Panel discussion and exhibition of the Ugandan Startup Ecosystem at MCI Media Hub. More than 30 startup innovators met with a delegation of German Members of Parliament to discuss startup investment, political economy, ease of doing business and to showcase their innovations. The discussion focused on the prospects of Uganda's younger generation for investment and innovation to promote entrepreneurship and employment. Afterwards, the German delegates visited the various exhibition booths and talked to leading young innovators.


Games and Politics

Interactive Exhibition

Games and Politics is a touring exhibition by Goethe Institut that has been travelling around the globe, last stop was Addis Ababa in Ethopia. This year’s edition is being hosted in Kampala (March - May) in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Uganda and South Sudan and the Design Hub Kampala. It is based on the exhibition Global Games by the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien) in Karlsruhe, Germany, and focuses explicitly on political games created since 2004.

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2021 Social Media Conference

The Uganda Social Media Conference

We are delighted to announce the 6th Edition of its flagship convening “The Uganda Social Media Conference”. The conference which brings together key stakeholders from government, civil society, academia, and the media for an exchange on the state and impact of social media on society is set to be held virtually in August 2021 on 25th – 26th, at Kampala Sheraton Hotel.


Remembering the construction of the Berlin Wall 60 years ago!

An Event to commemorate the rise & fall of the Berlin Wall.

Together with Goethe Zentrum Kampala (GZK), we are planning to remember the construction of the Berlin Wall, 60 years ago with an ONLINE event under the theme; ‘The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall’. This will take place on 13th August 2021. Visit our social media pages for more updates on the event.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Service User Committee Training - Lira /Gulu /Amuria /Napak

Service delivery in Northern Uganda


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #7

Community Participation in Northern Uganda


District Dialogue - Amuria #3

Public Resources Management in Amuria district


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #6

Community Participation in Northern Uganda

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“Political Participation Isn’t just about Voting”

Youth Leadership Training in Fort Portal

On 3 August 2019, 25 young leaders from the Kabarole district took part in a training session on the topics of political economy analysis, advocacy and social mobilisation. The Political Leadership Advancement Laboratory (PoLA-LAB) is a youth-focused training for political leaders organised in cooperation with the University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG). PoLA-LAB is a one-day session that includes an interactive and participatory approach to promote a better understanding of development challenges through an analysis of the political economy. The sessions also focus on lobbying and political mobilisation, as well as moderating conversations aimed at promoting constructive civic engagement beyond election times and cycles.

Public Policy In New Political Realities

Youth4Policy Networking Event

The first Youth4Policy networking event under the theme – ‘influencing public policy in new political realities’ was convened as an interactive event for the Alumni and current Youth4Policy Fellows. The networking dinner officially launched the Youth4Policy alumni network and enabled alumni, fellows and staff to build a community of policy professionals who share a common interest to positively influence public policy outcomes.

Youth4Policy Fellows headed off to their second policy learning mission

Workshop für Youth4Policy Fellows

From Thursday, July 25th to Saturday, July 27th, the current cohort of Youth4Policy fellows came together for their Second Policy Learning Mission in Kampala. The programme was designed to provide practical first-hand experience of policy processes and to enable the fellows to interact with policy decision-makers and implementers. Moreover, the mission offered the fellows a chance to develop their preliminary policy research further by providing them with insights on professional writing and presentation tools.

“The peace agreement is in the hands of all of us”

Public Dialogue on ‘Political Settlements, State Building and Peace Making in South Sudan’

On the 23rd of July 2019, a section of South Sudanese members of civil society as well as various stakeholders met at Makerere University to discuss the importance of Political Settlements and State Building in South Sudan. Furthermore the aim of the event was to point out possibilities to actively get involved in the implementation of the peace agreement.

A Media Reporting Trip to Bidi-Bidi to Reframe the Negative Narrative about Refugees

The Media Challenge Initiative Fellows went to a 5-day reporting trip to Bidi Bidi site, the world’s second largest refugee settlement. Their aim was to report and explain solutions based stories exclusively on refugee issues. This trip offered these young journalism students an experience of a lifetime to reframe the negative narrative and perception about refugees.

“You are the future of South Sudan”

Workshop on the R-ARCSS peace agreement for South Sudanese Students

On the 5th of July 2019, a section of South Sudanese youth met at Cavendish University to discuss the content of the Revitalized Peace Agreement (R-ARCSS) and furthermore to point out possibilities to actively get involved in its implementation. The Workshop was organised in partnership with the South Sudanese Students’ Association.

Professional Writing as a Key to Successful Policy Work

Training on Basics of Professional Writing for Youth4Policy Fellows

The workshop on professional writing offered the 2019 Youth4Policy fellow class a chance to actively work on their written presentation of their policy ideas and to receive experts’ advice on their work. Throughout the weekend, the fellows gained a deeper understanding of writing techniques, which will help them to sharpen their research focus as well as presenting their policy ideas in a convincing academic format.

South Sudan University Students debate on Active Citizenship.

On Wednesday 26th June students from the Catholic University of South Sudan and Juba University held a public debate on the role of South Sudan youth as active citizens. The dialogue was meant to expand and foster a better understanding of active citizenship among the students and encourage the youth to actively and constructively participate in governance activities by working together to influence the quest for national unity and development.


On 25th June 2019, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Uganda held the 5th annual social media conference at the Xanadu Collection hotel. The theme of this year’s conference was: Social Media and the Prospects for Digital Politics in Africa. In attendance were journalists, Media experts, bloggers, social media influencers, representatives from government, political leaders, Civil society and representatives from the academia. The conference followed a multifaceted program with parallel workshops in the morning, a keynote address and panel discussion in the afternoon followed by a series of parallel activities including lightning talks, digital campfire conversations and round table talks.

“Peace starts in our homes!” – The Role of Women in Peace-Building in South Sudan

The prevalent underrepresentation of women in peace-building processes is one of the reasons for the failure to achieve lasting peace in South Sudan. For that matter there are increasing voices in calling for the greater role of women in the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCISS). The Workshop organised, by Mer Christian Women Fellowship, seeked to explore why women’s role in peacebuilding is critical and what the opportunities for women to participate in peacebuilding are.