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Youth4Policy Migration Fellowship

Introduction to Migration and Forced Displacement.

Youth4Policy is an initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung aimed at empowering the next generation of policy experts to meaningfully contribute to policy analysis and public debates. Youth4Policy serves as a capacity development lab for youth leaders from a diverse spectrum of backgrounds such as academia, civil society, and public service with a motivation to research and analyze specific policy questions from a youth perspective. Particularly for the next five years, the fellowship program shall attract young researchers who are interested to study and explore pertinent policy questions around migration and forced displacement issues in Uganda and South Sudan.


An Innovation Fireplace that brought together Ugandan startups and German politicians

Ugandan Startup Ecosystem

On 14th of June, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), together with Media Challenge Initiative (MCI), hosted the Innovation Fireplace: A Panel discussion and exhibition of the Ugandan Startup Ecosystem at MCI Media Hub. More than 30 startup innovators met with a delegation of German Members of Parliament to discuss startup investment, political economy, ease of doing business and to showcase their innovations. The discussion focused on the prospects of Uganda's younger generation for investment and innovation to promote entrepreneurship and employment. Afterwards, the German delegates visited the various exhibition booths and talked to leading young innovators.


Games and Politics

Interactive Exhibition

Games and Politics is a touring exhibition by Goethe Institut that has been travelling around the globe, last stop was Addis Ababa in Ethopia. This year’s edition is being hosted in Kampala (March - May) in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Uganda and South Sudan and the Design Hub Kampala. It is based on the exhibition Global Games by the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien) in Karlsruhe, Germany, and focuses explicitly on political games created since 2004.

Live stream

2021 Social Media Conference

The Uganda Social Media Conference

We are delighted to announce the 6th Edition of its flagship convening “The Uganda Social Media Conference”. The conference which brings together key stakeholders from government, civil society, academia, and the media for an exchange on the state and impact of social media on society is set to be held virtually in August 2021 on 25th – 26th, at Kampala Sheraton Hotel.


Remembering the construction of the Berlin Wall 60 years ago!

An Event to commemorate the rise & fall of the Berlin Wall.

Together with Goethe Zentrum Kampala (GZK), we are planning to remember the construction of the Berlin Wall, 60 years ago with an ONLINE event under the theme; ‘The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall’. This will take place on 13th August 2021. Visit our social media pages for more updates on the event.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Service User Committee Training - Lira /Gulu /Amuria /Napak

Service delivery in Northern Uganda


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #7

Community Participation in Northern Uganda


District Dialogue - Amuria #3

Public Resources Management in Amuria district


Community Engagement Platform - Amuria #6

Community Participation in Northern Uganda

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Youth Need to Use Their Full Potential, Demand Debaters

Kickoff of a Countrywide Youth Debate Series in Jinja

The University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) invited students and youth leaders from the Eastern Region of Uganda to have a discussion on youth participation in democratic governance. Besides current challenges the youth is facing, the students also talked about possible solutions to fight the identified problems.

Young Leaders Think Tank Second Residential Workshop

Uganda’s Compliance to the EAC Common Market Protocol with Regard to Free Movement of Labour

The Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives (Think Tank) discussed the Free Movement of Labour within the EAC during its second residential two days workshop. Members of the Think Tank discussed a draft paper of the EAC-working group and provided deeper research which will be included in the final paper.

Training Workshop for Young Debaters

Kampala Training Kicks Off Regional Youth Debate Initiatives

In a bid to foster spaces for constructive engagement of young women and men in political discourses, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG) have launched a youth debates initiative. The platform presents a cross-ideological forum for debating challenges to youth political participation and generating solutions.

Consolidating Democracy and Social Order through Political Coalitions

Prospects and Challenges for „The Democratic Alliance” (TDA)

The University Forum on Governance in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung successfully held a dialogue on the 17th of September 2015 in Makerere University. The dialogue analysed pre-election coalitions in Africa by using examples from other countries as well as the current pre-election coalition in Uganda and their impact on democratic stabilisation. The dialogue combined scientific analysis with political discussions and attracted an audience of around 200 participants.

Stakeholders Demand for More Investment in Tourism

Fourth conference on the sustainable use of oil and gas in Uganda held

On 15th September 2015, KAS in cooperation with the LéO Africa Forum hosted its fourth conference on the sustainable use of oil and gas in Uganda. This year’s conference, just like the one last year, was organized and implemented in cooperation with the LéO Africa Forum. The question that was deliberated on and sparked lively debates was that of mutually beneficial coexistence of the extractive industries sector with other sectors of the society, such as agriculture or tourism.

Women’s Participation in Politics

Grass Roots Citizens Conversation in Apac District

ACFODE and KAS organized grass roots citizens conversations in three Ugandan districts as voter education ahead of the 2016 general elections. Between 9th and 10th September 2015, the conversations took place in Ibuje and Akokoro Sub-Counties in Apac, as well as in Butebo and Kasodo Sub-Counties in Pallisa.

Young Leaders Think Tank Residential Workshop

Young People and their Participation in Agriculture

This year, the Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives (Think Tank) is discussing the issues of EAC integration and youth participation in agriculture. During a two day residential workshop, the members of the Think Tank discussed the paper on agriculture in preparation for further engagement with policy makers and subsequent publication.

Strengthening Women's Participation in Politics

Grassroots Citizens Conversation with Citizens and Representatives in Kiboga District

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with Action for Development (ACFODE) invited more than 160 citizens and representatives of Kibiga and Lwamata Sub-Counties in Kiboga District to have a discussion about the participation of women in politics and to popularize the National Women's Manifesto.

Enabling Youth Structures and Youth Participation at the District Level

Workshop with District Youth Councillors on the Challenges and Ways Forward for Youth Leadership

he Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) through their partnership with the National Youth Council (NYC) called Youth Councillors from 12 Districts in the Eastern Region together to hold a workshop on improving and enabling youth participation at the local level.

KAS Scholarship Holders Meeting for South Sudan 2015

Juba, South Sudan

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung held a meeting in South Sudan for KAS-Uganda Martyrs University Scholarship Holders. The meeting was aimed at strengthening the network of scholarship holders and alumni of South Sudan and building a stronger relationship to KAS. The event took place in Juba, south Sudan on Thursday 6 of August 2015.