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Democracy and Urban Planning - The Case of Kampala

Public Dialogue at Makerere University

The Makerere University Convocation with support from KAS is organising a public dialogue on the topic of urban planning in a democracy with a special focus on the case of Kampala.


Local Governance Assessment and District Peer Review Mechanism

Training Workshop for Assessors

Training workshop for selected participants from civil society and local councils from the districts of Kiboga and Masaka. The workshop will prepare participants for the task of conducting a local governance assessment.


Uganda after 50 Years: Economic Challenges and Opportunities

Public Dialogue and Launch of the Special Edition of the Magazine "The Guide"

With support from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung the African Centre for Trade and Development (ACTADE) will publish a special edition of the magazine "The Guide" which will be launched at a public dialogue in Kampala.


Strengthening Democracy and Rule of Law in Uganda


Public Lecture in memory of the Late Ben Kiwanuka, the 1st Prime Minister and former Chief Justice of Uganda. Theme: "THE ROLE OF THE JUDICIARY BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER INDEPENDENCE AND HOW IT HAS IMPACTED THE DEMOCRATIZATION PROCESS IN UGANDA".

Book presentation

Revisiting the Media Freedom Debate at Uganda's Independence Golden Jubilee

Launch of Reality Check No.5

With support from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung the Uganda Media Development Foundation (UMDF) will launch a study under the title "Revisiting the Media Freedom Debate at Uganda's Independence Golden Jubilee" at a public dialogue in Kampala.


Local Governance Assessment and District Peer Review Mechanism

Training Workshop for Assessors

Training workshop for selected participants from civil society and local councils from the districts of Kabale, Kisoro and Mbarara. The workshop will prepare participants for the task of conducting a local governance assessment.


50 Years of Independence – Reflections, Aspirations, and Commitments by Young Political Leaders

Conference by the Inter-Party Youth Platform (IYOP)

The conference is organised as part of the celebrations to mark 50 years of Uganda’s independence. It is designed as a space for young political leaders to reflect on Uganda’s commemoration of the golden jubilee of independence.


Equitable Access to Quality Education in Uganda

Public Dialogue of the Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives

Public Dialogue organised by the Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives with support from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


Youth Unemployment in Uganda

Grand Public Dialogue at Makerere University

Public dialogue organised by the Makerere University Convocation (MUC) with support from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


Oil Production in a Social Market Economy

Perspectives for Uganda

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in conjunction with the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) is organizing a conference on oil production in a Social Market Economy.

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Multi-Stakeholder Engagement on Migration.

Addressing Governance, Conflict, and Displacement in Uganda’s Refugee-Hosting Regions.

Uganda’s open-door refugee policy has been both lauded and scrutinized. While it allows for freedom of movement, employment, and land use, it has also led to governance and security dilemmas. The rapid influx of displaced individuals has created economic strain, exacerbated land disputes, and fostered tensions between refugees and host communities. Many local populations express concerns over resource allocation and service provision, leading to sporadic conflicts that demand urgent interventions.

A Unified Approach to Migration Challenges in Nakivale Refugee Settlement.

Promoting Stability Through Civic Engagement in Migration: A Training Initiative for Host and Refugee Youth

From January 29 to 30, 2025, the Nakivale refugee settlement served as venue for a crucial exchange of ideas and strategies. Organized by the Refugee Youth Parliament Association (RYPA) in collaboration with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Uganda and South Sudan, this training program aimed to equip both host and refugee youth with the tools to effectively navigate the challenges of migration while promoting civic engagement.

Exploring community-based approaches to addressing cattle rustling in Karamoja region.

While there is still much work to be done in addressing the underlying causes of cattle rustling in the Karamoja region, community-based approaches offer a promising way forward that emphasises the importance of local engagement and participation.

Perspectives from Grassroots Migration Agenda Dialogues in Jinja, Pallisa and Manafwa districts.

The externalization of labor to the Middle East has been a common practice for decades, but why, when and how migration takes place is what is of fundamental concern. KAS Uganda conducted grassroots dialogues on the topic within three districts. Here are some bottom-up viewpoints.

Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda Thomas Tayebwa as guest

Prospects for cooperation with the East African country

From March 27 to 31, we hosted a delegation of parliamentarians from Uganda. The main purpose of this delegation trip was a joint exchange, among other things on joint cooperation between the EU and Uganda.

Peacebuilding Lessons for South Sudan from Northern Uganda

Yei-Okere Peacebuilding Initiative

Drawing a parallel between Okere, a small community that found itself in the wrath of war and civil strife for over three decades and now trying to rebuild itself, and Yei which is currently in the storm of such challenges, we thought it worthwhile as KAS, YAMORA, and Okere City to exchange lessons, networks, and strategies for advocacy, organizing and lobbying with local leaders in Yei, South Sudan.

Refugee Welfare Councils (RWCs) as Spaces for Political Participation of refugees in Uganda

Refugee Welfare Councils

While the official intention had been to bring together refugees and nationals to foster refugee and host community relations, RWCs have now emerged as important instruments for improving service delivery, facilitating community organizing, strengthening identity, and driving political participation among refugees in Uganda.

An Overview of Uganda’s Migration Profile

Public Dialogue at Makerere University

On Wednesday 7th December we set out to Makerere University for a public dialogue on the state of migration in Uganda. A youth engagement, we hoped to provide more information, correct misconceptions, and inspire their scholarly pursuits. Most curious about Karamoja and the increasing presence of homeless Karamajongs on the streets around them, critical about the government’s capacity to meet the refugee policy’s demands, the 174 students we met up with were an intelligent and challenging crowd for our panelists. The panelists included; Edgar Mwine, an Huduma fellow, and Migration Expert, Sheila Nsekanabo, a researcher at the Centre for Multilateral Affairs, Natasha Hadijjah Sebunya, an Artist and Writer, Lomilou Lucious, a Programme Manager at Mercy Corps, and Ian Katusiime, a journalist at the Independent Magazine. The public dialogue was moderated by Ojok Okello, the founder, and CEO of Okere City.

Musings on Emigration in Uganda at the Kampala Geopolitics Conference

Emigration in Uganda

One of the topics that were discussed at the 2022 Kampala Geopolitics Conference focused on understanding the emigration trends in Uganda. It was moderated by Ojok Okello, the founder of Okere City. He was joined by: Frank Nuwagaba, a Migration Officer at the Uganda Ministry of Internal Affairs; Agnes Igoye, a migration expert from IGAD; Barbara Maureen, an investigative journalist at the African Institute for Investigative Journalism (AIIJ); and Mutyaba Michael, a scholar, and researcher at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).

“We Know Better How to Tackle Cattle Rustling” - Abim Residents

Grassroots Migration Agenda

Alongside our partners GAIN-Uganda and ADYOFU, KAS on Thursday 21st October 2022 implemented its grassroots migration agenda meeting with the Ethur, the residents of the Abim district located in the Karamoja sub-region to discuss how to tackle cattle rustling, a vice that has riddled progress in the sub-region for decades.