There are currently no events planned.
Young Leaders Think Tank Residential Workshop
Review and Analysis of the Current Model of Electoral Democracy and Development of Policy Recommendations
The Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives develops a paper on electoral reform, an issue that is heatedly discussed in the Ugandan media, civil society, and political arena. During the workshop, the paper will be finalised for publication.
Benedicto Kiwanuka Memorial Lecture & Launch of "Reality Check" on Political Party Financing
Electoral Systems and their Implications on Election Results - Perspectives for Uganda
The event organised by KAS and the Foundation for African Development (FAD) contained the annual Kiwanuka Memorial Lecture and the launch of the publication “Political Party Financing in Uganda; a Critical Analysis in Reference to Other Countries”.
Awakening the Giants
The Academia and Development Discourse in Uganda
The University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG) together with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organise a public academic debate on the role the Ugandan academia plays - and should play - in shaping the Ugandan development discourse.
Monetization of Ugandan Politics
How to empower Youth against Money-Politics?
The public debate organised by KAS is the third youth debate on central political issues for the youth in this year. It is going to focus on the role money plays in Ugandan politics, how this impacts on youth engagement, and what alternatives exist.
Young Leaders Think Tank Residential Workshop
Review and Analysis of the new HIV-AIDS Bill and Development of Policy Recommendations
The Young Leaders Think Tank for Policy Alternatives is having a residential workshop in which an alternative policy on HIV/AIDS for Uganda is supposed to be developed. The Think Tank is an initiative by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Training for Youth in Effective Participation in National Democratic Governance and Leadership Development Processes
The All Saints Church and KAS are organising a leadership and democracy training in Amolatar. The training is going to be a follow-up on a training that took place in 2013 and targets the previous training's most promising participants.
Book presentation
Uganda’s Economic Development: The Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change
Official Launch of the publication “Reality Check”
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is launching the publication "Uganda’s Economic Development: The Challenges and Opportunities of Climate Change" by Dr. Emmanuel Kasimbazi, that is published within the successful publication series "Reality Check".
Promoting Democratic Accountability at the Local Level: Identifying Challenges, Sharing Best Practices
Inter-district Forum for Democracy Promotion Initiatives Meeting in Kampala
The Inter-district Forum emerged out of a project that was implemented by KAS and Action for Development (ACFODE) and funded by the European Union between 2011 and 2013. The workshop is part of the sustainability efforts that follow the project.
Resource Management: Making Oil Work for Africa
The conference organised by KAS and the LéO Africa Forum will be the third high level conference on sustainable oil production in Uganda. A panel of Ugandan experts will discuss which lessons can be learned from other African countries.
Expert conference
Democratic Bargain?
Young People and Transitional Politics in Uganda
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Uganda in cooperation with the University Forum on Governance and the Makerere University organises a three day conference on the role of the youth in transitional politics and democratic consolidation on 24 to 27 July.