There are currently no events planned.
Eastern Regional Youth Leadership Training
KAS and the NYC organize a “Regional Youth Leadership Forum” with the aim to provide a regional platform for youth representatives from the regions to build their leadership skills and strengthen their capacity to contribute to Uganda's development.
KAS Scholarship Holders Meeting for South Sudan 2015
Engagement Possibilities for KAS in South Sudan and Strengthening the Network of Scholarship Holders and Alumni
The meeting on 6th August 2015 has the purpose of starting the process of building up a mutually beneficial network between KAS, alumni, and scholarship holders in South Sudan.
fully bookedAssessing the Impact of Social Media on Political Communication and Civic Engagement in Uganda
Die KAS lädt zu einer Konferenz zum Thema soziale Medien und Governance ein. Verschiedene Stakeholder aus dem politischen, medialen, und zivilgesellschaftlichen Bereich diskutieren Potentiale und Risiken der wachsenden digitalen Medienlandschaft.
Training for Aspiring Women Leaders
Pallisa District
KAS and ACFODE organize a workshop in Pallisa District which will prepare female politicians and aspiring leaders for the 2016 elections by increasing their knowledge about the electoral process and their roles and responsibilities.
Keeping Together, Reaching Your Goals
Capacity-Building Workshop for GAIN-Uganda Member Organisations
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is implementing a capacity building workshop for the member organisations of the Governance and Accountability Inter-District CSO Network (GAIN-Uganda). Issues like resource mobilization and advocacy will be discussed.
The Role of the Private Sector in Engendering Inclusive Growth in Uganda
On June 30th 2015 KAS Uganda and South Sudan will host a one day conference on the role of the private sector in ensuring inclusive economic growth in Uganda. The conference is organized in conjunction with private sector associations.
Expert conference
2016 and Beyond; Young People for a Credible and Peaceful Election Experience
National Youth Conference
The National Youth Conference is an annual event organized by the University Forum on Governance (UNIFOG) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). The second National Youth Conference will take place from 25 to 27 July at Makerere University.
Training for Aspiring Women Leaders
Apac District
KAS and ACFODE organize a workshop in Apac District which will prepare female politicians and aspiring leaders for the 2016 elections by increasing their knowledge about the electoral process and their roles and responsibilities.
Expert talk
Rethinking Pension Sector Reforms as a Means of Strengthening Social Security Frameworks in Uganda
On 7th May 2015, KAS is implementing a high-level round table on social security systems in Uganda and the role state pensions systems can play in this regard. The event is connected to the publication of the Reality Check on Social Security Systems.
Young Leaders Think Tank Workshop
Capacity Building and Review Meeting
The workshop will take place on 25th April 2015. It will open with an update on the progress of the two working groups on agriculture and EAC integration, followed by an expert presentation on how to influence the government policy agenda.