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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


Case Study of a Winning Tea Party Campaign

Every election is a reflection of the political environment in which the campaign takes place and is an extension of the candidates taking part. The 2010 Senate race in Kentucky, to fill the seat of retiring Senator Jim Bunning, was not an exception. In a conservative democrat state - that typically goes Republicans on the national level - the race presented an opportunity for either party. As is often the case the central question was not who would win, but would the party and candidate with the generic political winds at their back not lose the race.

Reagan: Used and Misused


„When the future looked darkest and the way ahead seemed uncertain, President Reagan understood both the hardships we faced and the hopes we held for the fu-ture. He understood that it is always “Morning in America”. That was his gift, and we remain forever grateful.”

A Perspective of the 2012 American Presidential Election

The upcoming presidential election will be determined by President Obama’s ability to lay out a positive agenda for the future, and the ability of the Republican nominee to offer America a rousing alternative to the status quo. The campaigns will be driven predominantly by domestic issues foremost in the minds of American voters, particularly the economy and jobs, and government spending and debt. President Obama will look for any morsel of positive data to prove to the American people the economy is growing. His ability to communicate his economic agenda will face its greatest test in 2012.

Zwischen Stabilität und Demokratie?

Washingtons Reaktionen zur Aufruhr in der arabischen Welt

Der Aufruhr in Tunesien und Ägypten birgt große Risiken für die regionale Stabilität im Nahen Osten. Sollten die lange von den USA unterstützten, autoritären Regime jetzt stürzen, droht in den arabischen Ländern ein Machtvakuum. Washington fürchtet dabei, dass angesichts mangelnder zivilgesellschaftlicher Alternativen, muslimische Fundamentalisten die Situation ausnutzen, um demokratisch nach der Macht zu greifen.

Continued U.S. Reaction to Developing Events in Egypt

After speaking to Mr. Mubarak on Friday, President Obama delivered a fourminute statement calling on the Egyptian leader to take steps to democratizehis government and refrain from using violence against the people of Egypt.

Evolving U.S. Reaction to the Protests in Tunisia and Egypt

„And tonight, let us be clear: the United States of America stands with the people of Tunisia, and supports the democratic aspirations of all people.“ (President Obama, State of the Union Address, January 25th, 2011)

Obama eröffnet Wahlkampf 2012

Analyse der State of the Union

Mit seiner Rede zur Lage der Nation eröffnet der US-Präsident den Wahlkampf 2012. Mit steigenden Zustimmungsraten und einer sich erholenden Wirtschaft gewinnt der Hoffnungsträger aus 2008 wieder an Fahrt. Um den veränderten Mehrheiten im Kongress Rechnung zu tragen, nimmt der Präsident eine Neuausrichtung vor.

Nevada = Griechenland?

Budgetdefizite der Bundesstaaten in den USA

Steht den US-Bundesstaaten ein ähnliches Schicksal bevor wie Griechenland, Irland, Portugal oder Spanien? Diese Sorge wird auch in den USA immer häufiger geäußert (vgl. etwa Wall Street Journal vom 20. Januar 2011).

„A lot still needs to be done“

„Es muss noch viel getan werden“ antwortete der chinesische Staatschef HuJintao bei der Pressekonferenz der Präsidenten am Mittwoch in Washingtonauf eine Frage, die die Menschenrechte in China thematisierte. Das Eingeständnisder chinesischen Regierung, dass die Menschenrechtsfrage in Chinaoffensichtlich noch nicht geklärt ist, scheint im Nachhinein die bedeutendsteErkenntnis von Präsident Hus Besuch in Washington zu sein. DerAufenthalt Hus rief gemischtes Echo in der amerikanischen Medienlandschafthervor.

The Politics of Gun Control in the United States

The Arizona assassinations and the assassination attempt on Representative Gabrielle Giffords have again focused attention on U.S. gun control laws, which are among the most permissive in the developed world. With 4 in 10 Americans reporting to own a gun, and polls showing that Americans are roughly equally divided between those who want stricter gun laws and those who want to keep gun laws as they are, the public opinion itself seems split on how best to address gun control policies.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.