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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


The Greek Financial Crisis: Fallout in the US

Within the current economic downturn, the U.S. is considering the implications of a weakened European recovery, the debt crisis in Greece and its effect on the global economy. Questions remain as to whether the current factors are large enough to revive the financial crisis in the U.S.

„Professor Obama schools lawmakers on health-care reform“

Am Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010, fand der mit Spannung erwartete „Gipfel zu Gesundheitsreform“ statt. Unter dem Vorsitz von Präsident Obama diskutierten Senatoren und Congresmen/-women der Demokraten und Republikaner darüber, ob und wie ein Kompromiss zwischen beiden Lagern gefunden werden könne. Die Diskussion dauerte sieben Stunden und wurde direkt im Fernsehen übertragen.

„This is not the Kennedy seat – this is the people´s seat”

Demokraten verlieren Nachwahlen zum US Senate in Massachusetts

Bei der Senatswahl in Massachusetts haben die Demokraten von US-Präsident Barack Obama eine verheerende Niederlage erlitten. Der seit Jahrzehnten von Edward Kennedy gehaltene Sitz ging am Dienstag an den Republikaner Scott Brown.

U.S. Intelligence-Post 9/11

A first probe into the lapses that almost led to an explosion on a transatlantic airliner on Christmas Day reportedly found that US government agencies failed to share key information that would have stopped the would-be bomber from ever getting on an airplane. Despite the billions of dollars spent over the last eight years to improve the intelligence flow and secret communications across the United States’ national security apparatus, the system failed according to President Obama.

Copenhagen viewed from afar

US-perspective of climate change conference in Copenhagen

Obama Negotiates 'Copenhagen Accord' With Senate Climate Fight in Mind

President Obama may have improved his chances for passing global warming legislation in the Senate by forging an interim international agreement here that puts both rich and poor countries on a path to curtail greenhouse gas emissions.

Russia's Wrong Blueprint for European Security

On the eve of this week's Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and NATO Ministerial meetings, in addition to a NATO-Russia Council gathering, Russian officials unveiled their long-awaited proposal for a new European Security Treaty. The Medvedev proposal, as it has become known, has been the subject of considerable debate within NATO and among OSCE member states. Some argue that it represents an important opportunity to engage with Russia on addressing security needs in Europe.

Stiglitz and the Master of Puppets

Burma: Outside Interests, Inside Challenges

The long list of dignitaries with whom Burma’s junta chief has played ‘engagement’ attests to his masterfully strategic use of iconic figures for public relations purposes. Stiglitz may be next.

US Climate Policy On the Road to Copenhagen

The political context makes it clear that the US will not have a climate bill ready in time for the talks in Copenhagen, and the commonly accepted premise seems to be that without climate legislation enacted domestically, the US won’t be able to sign on a global deal on climate change in December.

'Change has come'...or has it?

A step back for President Obama during the "off-year" vote

The first Tuesday in November is traditionally voting day in the USA. The national and international attention has been concentrated on the every four year presidential vote. The in between votes in which members of the Houses as well as one third of the US Senate is elected are also watched with much interest. However, the less observed "off-year" vote still has a far reaching political broadcast.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.