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Asset Publisher

Remarks by the President at the Millennium Development Goals Summit in New York, New York

In the Charter of this United Nations, our countries pledged to work for “the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.” In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we recognized the inherent dignity and rights of every individual, including the right to a decent standard of living. And a decade ago, at the dawn of a new millennium, we set concrete goals to free our fellow men, women and children from the injustice of extreme poverty.

US Reactions to the recent Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative

As Israel and the Palestinian Authority, led by the U.S., resumed direct peace talks after 20 months, many Israelis and Palestinians already agree on one point: Chances for success are slim, and many U.S. politicians and analysts share the same skepticism. The fact that President Abbas and Prime Minister Netanyahu are meeting face to face is not considered a breakthrough, but that closing the longstanding gaps in their positions and rebuilding shattered trust would be.

PTSD: The Hidden Wounds of War

Über die Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Immer häufiger werden posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen bei Kriegsveteranen diagnostiziert. Oberfähnrich Elisabeth Wurster berichtet über die Ursache und Wirkung der Krankheit, die nicht selten mit einer traumatischen Gehirnverletzung verbunden ist. Die Behandlung und Versorgung der Betroffenen stellt nicht zuletzt das Militär vor neue Herausforderungen.

Rumors sully Jewish response to imams’ trip to Auschwitz

Eight imams bowed in prayer before a sculpture at Dachau vividlyrepresenting the Jewish dead of Europe. It's a picture worth a thousand words ofreconciliation and understanding.Yet even before its appearance in the Jewish media -- on the front page of the Forward fora story about American imams visiting two concentration camps in Europe -- it wasmuddied by internecine Jewish sniping and rumor-driven misapprehensions.

ʻModerateʼ Muslim Tag Ever-Murky For Community

An Islamic leader from the United States gives a lectureabout the founding of Israel in the wake of the Holocaust.He recommends a book that denies that mass murder ofJews took place during World War II, calls the Holocaust ahoax and declares that “All this [information about six millionJewish deaths] is false propaganda.” Hitler, the leader says,“never intended to mass-destroy the Jews.”

Muslim leaders visit concentration camps as part of effort to combat Holocaust denial

The trip to Dachau and Auschwitz was meant to combatthe rise in Holocaust denial that has popped up in variousMuslim and non-Muslim circles around the world -- andonline -- in recent years.

Imams join U.S. officials at Nazi sites

U.S. officials participated in a trip of eight Muslim-American clericsto the sites of the former Dachau and Auschwitz concentrationcamps last week in what one official called a transformativeexperience.

Jews, Muslims make pilgrimage to Auschwitz

The scenario might have seemed unlikely: prominentMuslims and Jews from the United States, trekking across the Atlantic inmournful, spiritual solidarity to visit two Nazi concentration camps. Together.The trip to Dachau and Auschwitz was meant to combat the rise in Holocaustdenial that has popped up in various Muslim and non-Muslim circles aroundthe world in recent years.

U.S. Muslim leaders condemn Holocaust denial

American Muslim leaders who recently returned from visiting Dauchau and Auschwitz havereleased a statement condemning Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism, the AssociatedPress reports.

Jews, Muslims Make Pilgrimage To Auschwitz

from: The Huffington Post

The scenario might have seemed unlikely: prominent Muslims and Jews from the United States, trekking across the Atlantic in mournful, spiritual solidarity to visit two Nazi concentration camps. Together. The trip to Dachau and Auschwitz was meant to combat the rise in Holocaust denial that has popped up in various Muslim and non-Muslim circles around the world--and online--in recent years.