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Country Reports

2nd round of elections in France

by Anja Czymmeck, Nele Katharina Wissmann

Republican Front halts shift to the right at the last second

The second round of voting in France ended with a surprise. The right-wing alliance of Rassemblement National (RN) and Les Républicains led by Eric Ciotti (LR) did not achieve an absolute or relative majority, as was expected based on the results of the first round of voting, but only came third. The electoral alliance New Popular Front (Nouveau Front Populaire) won over 180 seats. The second force in the National Assembly will be the presidential alliance of Ensemble. Although this electoral alliance led by Gabriel Attal lost almost 100 MPs, it managed to retain more than 160 MPs thanks to tactical voting by the so-called Republican Front. The Rassemblement National party, which was hoping for an absolute majority and the office of prime minister after the second round of voting, gained 50 seats but ended up with fewer than 150 MPs. President Macron's surprise dissolution of parliament was intended to force a clear majority, but it did not work. No political party has an absolute majority. The next few days will be characterised by negotiations on the appointment of the prime minister and the distribution of key posts in the National Assembly. The euphoria over the less successful performance of the Rassemblement National could soon be followed by disillusionment and could bring unstable times to France

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The full-lenght publication is only available in German

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Anja Czymmeck

Anja Czymmeck

Head of the France Office +33 156 69 15 00


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