There are currently no events planned.
Togo: Taxation and local development
Fortbildung zur Verbesserung der kommunalen Finanzverwaltung
In cooperation with the NGO COPED.
Mali: Der Transfer von Kompetenzen auf die lokale Ebene
Inhalte und Grundsätze der kommunalen Entwicklung im Rahmen der Dezentralisierung
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem nationalen Parlament Malis.
Togo: Democratic values within political parties II
Workshop with members of political parties.
Expert talk
Benin: The role of a board of directors in public enterprises
196th episode of the emission of television "Entre Nous"
Togo: Democratic values within political parties I
Workshop with members of political parties
Expert conference
Niger: Civic education in the barracks
In collaboration with Niger's Ministry of Defence and the Committee Armed Forces and Democracy.
Mali: The role and the responsibilities of political parties
Promotion of Good Governance and democracy in Mali
In cooperation with the political parties in Mali.
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page