There are currently no events planned.
Expert talk
Benin: An analysis of the social system in Benin
195th episode of the TV-show "Entre Nous"
Benin: Polical Parties in a pluralist democracy
Discussionforum of the Chair for human right and democracy at the university Abomey Calavi
Benin: The role of the administration of justice at the consolidation of democracy
Discussionforum of the Chair for human right and democracy at the university Abomey Calavi
Mali: Methods of political education
Further education for members of the civile society
In cooperation with the NGO S.O.S.-Civisme.
Benin: Which economic and social politics for Benin?
Public discussion round with the president of the Economic- and Socialconcil
In cooperation with the Institute for Justice and Peace (I.A.J.P.)
Benin: Media and Democracy in electoral periods
Further education for journalists
In cooperation with the "Association de Promotion des Medias" in Benin.
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page