There are currently no events planned.
Benin: The economic growth and the attitude to work in Benin
monthly conference of the Institute für Justice and Peace
In cooperation with the Institut for Justice and Peace (I.A.J.P.)
Benin: The parliament and the control of the gouvernment
Discussionforum of the Chair for Human right and Democracy at the University Abomey Calavi
Benin: Political education in the barracks
Politische Bildung in den Kasernen
In cooperation with the Ministry of Defence.
Burkina Faso: The tasks of political parties in the democracy
Formation for young members of political parties
In cooperation with the political parties in Burkina Faso.
Benin: Participation of citizens and local democracy
Discussionforum of the Chair for Human right and Democracy at the University Abomey Calavi
Benin: The state under the rule of laws and the separation of powers
Discussionforum of the Chair for Human right and Democracy at the University Abomey Calavi
Togo: Further education for young members of political parties
Aus- und Weiterbildung für den Parteinachwuchs
In cooperation with the political parties in Togo.
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page