There are currently no events planned.
Expert conference
Benin: Vorstellung des elektronischen Wählerverzeichnisses in Benin und die Kontrolle der Wahlen
Öffentl. Diskussionsforum des Lehrstuhls für Menschenrechte der nationalen Universität
Benin: Erziehung junger Handwerker zum staatsbürgerlichen Denken
Formation des artisans
In Zusammenarbeit mit S.O.S. - Civisme.
Benin: Evaluation-workshop for the TV-Shows of the Programme for political education in Westafrica
Education civique par les médias
In cooperation with the "Centre Afrika Obota - Benin".
Benin: Education for workmen in business management
In cooperation with the local chamber of buissnes, FENAB (National Federation for Workmen in Benin) and the Hanns Seidel Foundation.
Burkina Faso: Further education for elected women in Burkina Faso
In cooperation with AMBF (Association for Eledted Women in Burkina Faso).
Benin: Political education in the barracks
In cooperation with the ministry of defence in Benin.
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page