There are currently no events planned.
Togo: Good Gouvernance and citizenship
Grundlagen der Demokratie und des Rechtstaates
In cooperation with COPED (Centre d´Observation et de Promotion de l´Etat de Droit).
Expert talk
Benin: The preparation for the school-exams
177th episode of the TV-show "Entre Nous"
"Entre Nous" is a political talk-show where experts discussing about recent subjects. In cooperation with CAO (Centre Afrika Obota).
Benin: Professional formation for artisans
Workshops für Handwerker
In cooperation with the trade corporation (Jeune Chambre Locale Soleil), FENAB (Fédération Nationale des Artisans du Bénin) and the Hanns Seidel Foundation.
Niger: The role of the medias at the legislative elections
Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe: Vorbereitung zu den Parlamentswahlen in Niger
In cooperation with the political parties in Niger and U.J.P.N. (Union des Journalistes de la Presse Privée Nigérienne).
Benin: Women in leadership positions
Workshop for female members of political parties, associations and NRO´s
In cooperation with RIFONGA (Réseau pour l´Intégration des Femmes des Organisations Non Gouvernementals et Associations Africaines).
Niger: Preparations for the parliamentary elections
The Role of the political parties
In cooperation with the political parties of Niger and U.J.P.N. (Union des Journalistes de la Presse Privée Nigérienne).
Benin: Education in Benin
Im Rahmen der monatlichen Veranstaltungsreihe: "Gerechtigkeit und Frieden"
In cooperation with the Institute for Justice and Peace (I.A.J.P.)
Study and Information Program
Togo: Campaign for political education at the grass roots level
Informationsveranstaltungen vor Ort im Bereich der politischen Bildung
In cooperation with CAO - Togo (Centre Afrika Obota).