Ivory Coast: The prevention and management of conflicts
Plaidoyer pour les organisations de la société civile
In cooperation with "Centre Afrika Obota - Côte d´Ivoire" (CAO).
Togo: The local tax-system
In cooperation with the "Centre of observation and promotion for the state under the rule of law" (Centre d´Observation et de Promotion de l´Etat de Droit - COPED).
Expert conference
Burkina Faso: Weeks of political education
Im Rahmen der Bildungsreihe: Wochen der Staatsbürgerkunde
In cooperation with "S.O.S. Civisme - Burkina Faso".
Burkina Faso: The leadership of women- and youthorganisations
In cooperation with "Centre Afrika Obota - Burkina Faso" (CAO).
Benin: The thruth in politics
Im Rahmen der monatlichen Veranstaltungsreihe "Gerechtigkeit und Frieden"
In cooperation with the Institut for Justice and Peace. (I.A.J.P.)
Niger: Political education in the barracks
In cooperation with the ministry of defence in Niger and the national comittee "Armée et Démocratie".
Niger: The role of women in political parties
Rôle des femmes des partis politiques
In cooperation with the "Centre Afrika Obota" - Togo (CAO).
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page