There are currently no events planned.
Benin: The Contribution of the NEPAD-Initiative and the Possibilities of the European Development Fund
Regional Seminar of Africain Democratic Parties about the Development in Westafrica
In Cooperation with the Union of Africain Parties for Development and Democracy (Union des Partis Africains pour le Développement et la Démocratie, UPADD).
Benin: Workshop about the strategy of the Benin Association of the Communities (ANCB)
In Cooperation with the Benin Association of the Communities (Association Nationale des Communes de Bénin, ANCB), the GTZ and the DED.
Benin: Religious Values and Economy
Im Rahmen der monatlichen Veranstaltungsreihe: "Gerechtigkeit und Frieden"
In cooperation with the Institute for Justice and Peace (Cotonou / Benin).
Benin: Political education in the barracks
Staatsbürgerkunde in der Soldatenausbildung
In cooperation with the ministry of defence in Benin.
Burkina Faso: Local government and modern information technologies
Veranstaltung im Rahmen der "Tage der Kommunen" in Burkina Faso
In cooperation with "L´Association des municipalites du Burkina Faso".
Burkina Faso: Political education for young soldiers in military academies
In Cooperation with "L´Amicale des enfants de troupe".
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page