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Investigación y fuentes sobre historia contemporánea

Palestinian Vision Publishes Research about Jerusalem Minorities

de Malak M.

Jerusalem Ingredients: Identity and Challenges for Three Minorities

The Palestinian Vision identified three minorities to include in this research. They were chosen because they have contributed to the formation of the human, cultural and national history of the Holy City. These are the Christians, the Gypsies, and the African Community.

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Jerusalemite Ingredients Research

The Palestinian Vision organisation published its latest research  that was conducted in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Palestine under the title "Jerusalem Ingrediants: Identity and Challenges for Three Minorities". 

The research sheds light on the human diversity of Palestinian Jerusalemite society, illuminating the mosaic that exists in Jerusalem today. The research was conducted after previously research showed that many Jerusalemites lack knowledge about the culture, language and history of the diverse segments that form their society, and about their daily challenges.

Thus, the Palestinian Vision identified three segments that have contributed to the formation of the human, cultural and national history of the Holy City: the Christians, the Gypsies, and the African Community. The choice of these segments was driven by the need for Jerusalemites, to better understand the bricks that make their home, especially in light of scarce available information, which is mostly excluded from the educational curricula. Palestinian Vision also seeks, through this research, to identify the stages of formation of the cultural and national identity of the three segments and the life challenges each segment faces as Jerusalemites.

To achieve this goal, Palestinian Vision in its research has relied on historical sources and references and conducted interviews with key Jerusalem figures from each of the three segments. It also conducted individual interviews with young men and women, as well as group interviews, to identify the formation of their cultural and national identity, the challenges they face and their causes, from their point of view.

The research revealed that the political situation of the city, from ancient times, has not had mercy on any of its children. The community being researched suffers, like everyone else, from systematic political discrimination, as well as poor living conditions such as cramped housing and difficult economic conditions that place the majority of the community below the poverty line. During the long journey made by these three segments, each has formed a complex identity, in which the Palestinian aspect is prominent.

The research also revealed that many of the subjects of the study cannot engage in the labor market or in social life, either as punishment for resistance to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories or because they lack the capacity to compete for job opportunities. This is sometimes a result of Israeli policies, and, at other times, a result of internal marginalization associated with unfair societal attitudes.

The research also revealed that the three studied segments face far greater challenges than others in Jerusalem, which may
explain their members’ attempts at acculturation strategies to cope with the difficult conditions in which they live. These strategies range, according to research participants, from seclusion, at times, to integration and participation at others. This research will present a set of proposals that aims to alleviate challenges faced by the three examined segments, contribute to strengthening their steadfastness, and reinforce their Palestinian national identity.

To read the full research, click the button on the right. 


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Malak M.


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