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KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

de Cristita Marie Perez

Gender, guilt, and work-life balance

A recent IMF working paper found out that Japan’s voluntary lockdown in April was more costly for women than men. The analysis solidified the observation that women face greater responsibility and #guilt for “neither being the ideal mother nor the ideal employee”.

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Key messages include:

  1. Women are more willing than men to sacrifice a large amount of their salary in exchange for greater worklife balance. 
  2. Women’s willingness to pay for better work-life balance compared to men can be explained in part by a greater sense of guilt compared to men.
  3. The findings stress that policy-makers need to be sensitive to the gender-based differences on guilt and its impact on work. 


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Personas de contacto

Cristita Marie Perez

Cambodia Meatballs Story photo 3

Senior Project Manager Regional Program "Social Economic Policies" Asia (SOPAS) +81 3 6426 5046 +81 3 6426 5047


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