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2018 Annual Arms Control Conference and Experts Forum

Die KAS Israel richtet in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) eine Konferenz und Expertenforum zum Thema „Shifting Global Dynamics: Implications for Arms Control and Stability“ am 2./3. Juli in Tel Aviv aus



70 שנה ל-48'

תפקידה של התקשורת בעיצוב יחסי יהודים-ערבים בישראל

שולחן עגול סביב ארוחת אפטאר, בהשתתפות אנשי תקשורת בכירים. אירוע משותף לקרן קונרד אדנאואר בישראל, תכנית קונרד אדנאואר לשיתוף פעולה יהודי-ערבי באוניברסיטת תל אביב, ומועדון העיתונאים בירושלים.מיועד לאנשי תקשורת.


The Water Cooler

Why we should care about water security in the Middle East

This unique networking event will introduce participants to the complex geopolitical and environmental issues that characterize the region’s trans-boundary water resources.

תוכנית לימודים ואינפורמציה

Gaza on the Edge

wie die prekäre Trinkwasserversorgung der Palästinenser auch für Israel zum Problem wird

Israel und die Palästinensischen Gebiete, darunter der Gaza-Streifen, liegen wie angrenzende Länder der Levante auf einem als „Coastal Aquifer Basin“ bezeichneten Süßwasserreservoir.



2. Europa Rundtisch

Gemeinsam mit dem Europa Institut der Bar Ilan Universität organisiert die KAS Israel den zweiten Rundtisch in diesem Jahr zum Thema Europa und Israel.



with Avi Gabbay

Der Vorsitzende der Avoda-Partei und Oppositionsführer MK Avi Gabbay stellt sich den Fragen eines jungen, internalen Publikums. Die Diskussionsveranstaltung wird präsentiert von der KAS Israel und unserem Partner Tel Aviv International Salon.

תוכנית לימודים ואינפורמציה



EcoPeace und die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel bieten eine gemeinsame Reihe von Touren für Experten an, um die Realität von grenzübergreifenden Wasserproblemen vor Ort besser verstehen zu können.

תוכנית לימודים ואינפורמציה


Die Rolle der EU im Nahen Osten

Gemeinsam mit dem Center for the Study of European Politics and Society an der Ben-Gurion Universität des Negev veranstaltet die KAS Israel ein eintägiges Studienprogramm zum Thema „Die Rolle der EU im Nahen Osten"


Bauhaus zwischen Dessau und Tel Aviv

Political Perspectives on the Shared Architectural Heritage

Anlässlich des Besuchs von Dr. Reiner Haseloff, Ministerpräsident des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, organisiert KAS Israel gemeinsam mit The White City Center einen Abend zur Bedeutung der Bauhaus-Architektur für die deutsch-israelischen Beziehungen.




Die Botschafter Reihe verbindet unsere junge internationale Gemeinschaft mit den führenden Diplomaten in Israel. Jeden Monat bieten wir die Möglichkeit, Botschafter aus aller Welt zu treffen und mit ihnen Israel relevante Themen zu diskutieren.

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The Third Cohort of the Arkan Program Completes Training Sessions

We are very proud of the participants of the third cohort of the Arkan Program for young political leaders from Israel's Arab society. The training sessions of Arkan encourage the new generation of leaders to deal with the central questions regarding Israeli society and to tackle the internal issues of the Arab community. The group met with various political figures and learned how to listen to different voices and perspectives in society. We thank our partner Shaharit for conducting this training event on a very high and professional level, strengthening Israeli democracy.

Cybertrialogue - Encountering the Future in Cyberspace

The Vulnerability of Democracies - Critical Infrastructure Under Attack

In June 2023, the Cybertrialogue was held by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin, where participants attended three days full of discussions, exchanges, and talks about different issues related to cyberspace. The predominant focus of our experts from the United States, Israel and Germany was on the protection of critical infrastructure and various approaches aimed at improving their level of protection. During the thought-provoking roundtables discussions, we spoke about regulation, cooperation and public-private partnerships. Moreover, actors in cyberspace, such as Taiwan, Iran and Israel were examined during an afternoon event with a geopolitical focus. A morning event during the Cybertrialogue was attended by experts from Latin America who were available for an exchange about the current challenges in their part of the world. Looking forward to the following projects and discussions within the Cybertrialogue framework.

Die Sicht auf Israel in der Region — people-to-people Kontakte zwei Jahre nach den Abraham Abkommen

Eine Umfrage des KEEVOON Institute und KAS Israel zu Sichtweisen auf die Region und die Abraham Abkommen

Die Zukunft der bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen Israel und Deutschland

Diskussionsrunde zum Anlass des Tags der Deutschen Einheit

40 Jahre vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit und starke Partnerschaft

Das Auslandsbüro Israel der KAS feiert Geburtstag

Am 27. Juni beging die KAS Israel in Anwesenheit von Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Diplomatie und Zivilgesellschaft und all ihrer Partner einen Festakt anlässlich des 40-jährigen Jubiläums ihrer Auslandsarbeit in Israel.

Democracy, Trust and Mistrust

On October 27-28, 2021 KAS Israel held in cooperation with the IDI - Israel Democracy Institute  and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem it’s second online Yaron Ezrahi Conference on the topic: 'Democracy, Trust and Mistrust'

COVID19-Multi-Country Study Research Results

The world is changing rapidly. More rapidly than we have ever experienced. Every country is under a similar threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each country is responding differently and the rate of infection and mortality rates differ from country to country. We know what the Governments are doing and this survey helps us understand what people in each country think about it.

Populism in times of pandemics – a chance or danger for democracies?

On April 7th, 2020 the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s (KAS) office Israel organized an online panel discussion on “Populism in times of pandemics – a chance or danger for democracies?” bringing together experts from Germany, Israel, Hungary, and Poland. The debate focused on perspectives from different countries as to the impact of the current crisis on democracies.

Russia in the Middle East: Ever-Changing Policy in an Ever-Changing Region

The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Israel (KAS) held an international conference that took place on December 3 , 2019, at INSS in Tel Aviv, Israel. Middle Eastern politics changed profoundly in October 2015, when Russia decided to step into the Syrian civil war on the side of President Assad. This added an international dimension to an already complex conflict and created a new strategic situation with international consequences. In this context, the event brought together participants from Russia, Europe and Israel for an in-depth dialogue. The event focused on further understanding on the most pertinent issues and strengthening cooperation in the future.

"Responding to hybrid threats: from disinformation to boots on the ground"

KAS Israel hosts Cyber Security Roundtable

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation Israel hosted a two-day Cyber Security expert round-table in Herzliya which dealt with the topic "Responding to hybrid threats: from disinformation to boots on the ground" from the 12th to the 14th of November. The round-table was the fourth of its kind as part of a series of events and brought together German, Israeli and US experts from the field of cyber security.