



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



How do we Understand present Russia? - Civil Society and Governance

4. Internationales JIIA-KAS Seminar, gemeinsam organisiert von The Japan Institute of International Affairs und der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung


Differing Perspectives on East Asian Regionalism

Am 29. November – 01. Dezember 2010 findet in Hiroshima ein Workshop zum Thema „Differing Perspectives on East Asian Regionalism“ mit internationalen Fachexperten von verschiedenen Universitäten statt.


Asian Social Research Association

Internationale Konferenz zur Gründung der asiatischen Vereinigung für Sozialforschung


Die Situation in den neuen Bundesländern 20 Jahre nach der deutschen Einheit

Vortrags- und Diskussionsveranstaltung mit dem ehemaligen Staatssekretär Michael Haussner vor und mit Mitgliedern des Konrad-Adenauer-Freundeskreises Japan


Public Symposium

Rethinking Diplomacy: New Approaches and Domestic Challenges

Panelists from Germany and Japan, as well as other Asian countries including China, S-Korea, Thailand and Singapore will bring the cases on their country’s diplomacy in order to reconsider the visions and directions of diplomacy in the 21st century.


Rethinking Diplomacy: New Approaches and Domestic Challenges

3. Japan Foundation - KAS Seminar


Studien- und Dialogprogramm für Abgeordnete und Wirtschaftsfachleute aus Japan

Besuchsprogramm zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft für japanische Politiker und Wirtschaftsexperten in Deutschland


The Social Market Economy in Europe and its Implications for Japanese Businesses

1. KKC-KAS Seminar on the Concept of Social Market Economy in the European Context


Vortrag zum Thema: 150 Jahre Freundschaft Deutschland-Japan und KAS Tomono-kai Mitgliederversammlung

Der Freundeskreis der KAS in Japan unterstützt die Stiftung bei ihren Aktivitäten in Japan und fördert den Dialog zwischen beiden Ländern, auch im Rahmen des Projekts Deutschland-Japan: 150 Jahre Freundschaft mit Zukunft


Die Beziehungen Japans und Deutschlands am Beispiel der Entwicklungspolitik - Ziele und Herausforderungen

Politischer Dialog/Diskussionsveranstaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Freundeskreis der Stiftung in Japan (KAS Tomono-kai)




Launch of Trade Sentinel: An Early Monitoring Mechanism for Trade Policy and Related Changes in South Asia

The Trade Sentinel (https://www.tradesentinel.org) will fill important gaps in monitoring trade policy actions for South Asian countries. It seeks to provide real time alerts, trends, and analysis of trade investment policy changes. This tool and this topic are more and more important for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), through the Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) to contribute to the discussion shaping important developments in international trade.

Shaping the Equiverse: Building Inclusive Urban Spaces for Women in South Asia

The roundtable, ‘Shaping the Equiverse: Building Inclusive Urban Spaces for Women in South Asia’, took place on 6 March 2024 at the India International Centre in New Delhi. It was co-organised by TalentNomics India and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s (KAS) Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS). The primary objective of this roundtable is to identify actionable issues hindering women’s equal access to education, work, and well-being in urban spaces.

ISAS-KAS Workshop: The IPEF and the Contours of Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific

On the 1st of March 2024, KAS Japan, in partnership with the Institute of South Asian Studies NUS (ISAS), hosted an engaging workshop building on the insights shared in the recent publication "The Making of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)". The workshop brought together a diverse group of experts from the Indo-Pacific region and beyond for an insightful exploration of key topics on economic security in the area. This document summarises the comprehensive discussions and analyses presented during the event, providing a valuable resource for understanding recent developments and gaining nuanced insights into the topic.

独連邦議会 キリスト教民主/社会同盟 議員団による訪日

2月7日から9日にかけて、ヨハン・ヴァーデフール キリスト教民主/社会同盟(CDU/CSU)会派院内副総務を団長とする同会派独連邦議会議員団が来日し、日本の国会議員や有識者との意見交換を行った。


12月6日、コンラート・アデナウアー財団シュティフトゥング(KAS)日本事務所は、中曽根平和研究所(NPI)との間で、経済安全保障分野での協力関係を確認する覚書(MoU: Memorandum of Understanding)を締結した。

Shaping an Equiverse: Pathways to Parity

The International Leadership Conference “Shaping an Equiverse: Pathways to Parity”, jointly organised by TalentNomics India and KAS SOPAS in New Delhi, India, was held in person on November 24th, 2023.

リンネマン キリスト教民主同盟幹事長による来日

10月30日から11月1日にかけてカーステン・リンネマン キリスト教民主同盟(CDU)幹事長およびフィリップ・ビルケンマイヤー CDU連邦副事務局長/CDU政治・綱領担当部長が来日し、政党関係者や政府機関との意見交換を行った。



Responding to the Dynamic Changes in the World of Work in Asia

The panel on “Responding to the Dynamic Changes in the World of Work in Asia” is organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS). It was held last July 28, 2023, as part of the South East Asia-South Asia-Taiwan (SEASAT) Camp 2023, an annual flagship event organized by the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) since its establishment. The panel in particular, and the SEASAT Camp 2023 in general, is aimed at young people, think tanks, academia, and government policy makers.