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Corporate Social Responsibility in Azerbaijan

Perspektive der Corporate Social Responsibility in Aserbaidschan

Die Ergebnisse des zweijährigen Projektes zur „Sozialen Verantwortung von Unternehmen“, dessen Umsetzung in Kooperation mit dem aserbaidschanischen Think Tank CESD erfolgte, wurde Vertretern aus der Wirtschaft, Regierung und Wissenschaft vorgestellt.

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Die im Rahmen des Projektes erstellten Policy Papers sind hier abrufbar.


Perspektive der Corporate Social Responsibility in Aserbaidschan

Arbeitssprache: Aserbaidschanisch

Monntag,25 November 2013

09.30 Registration

10.00 Key notes

  • Dr. Canan Atilgan, Director of Political Dialog Program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in South Caucasus

  • Dr. Vugar Bayramov, Chairman of the Center for Economic and Social Development

10.20 I Session: The Presentation of the Project Results

The Presentation of the Research and Workshops

Corporate Social Responsibility Achieving the Sustainable Development

Corporate Social Responsibility and World Experience

Corporate Social Responsibility and Current Environment in Azerbaijan

Tural Abbasov, The Researcher of the Center for Economic and Social Development

11.00 Discussions

11.15 Coffee break

11.30 III Session: The Current Challenges and Perspectives of the Corporate Social Responsibility in Azerbaijan

The scope of the session:

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy in Azerbaijani

Corporate Social responsibility in Business Sector

The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Education

  • Alimammad Nuriyev, Board Member of the Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the President

  • Dr. Sarvar Qurbanov, Head of the World Economy Department, Qafqaz University

  • Sülhiyya Schirinova, Director of the Public Relations Department, Unibank

Moderator:Qalib Togrul, Chairman of the Economic Research Center

12.15 Discussions

12.50 Closing of the Session

  • Dr. Vugar Bayramov, Chairman of the Center for Economic and Social Development

13.00 Cocktail

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Dr. Canan Atilgan

Dr. Canan Atilgan

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Nurlana Jalil

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