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Verstehen und Verständnis
Interethnisches Jugendseminar “The future belongs to all of us”
Die Außenstelle Skopje will Studenten der beiden großen Universitäten in Mazedonien (Tetovo und Skopje) zusammenbringen und sich mit Ihnen über ein interethnisches Zusammenleben Gedanken zu machen. Ziel ist das gegenseitige Vertrauen und der Respekt.
Was erwartet der Mittelstand von der Politik?
KMU als Leistungsträger einer Marktwirtschaft
The Western Balkans
Political Order, Economic Stability and International Engagement: Macedonia
The Process of Decentralization one year later
Challenges for political leadership
The conference wants not to reflect what was achieved or done, it wants to look forward for an improvement and of course for a better way to achieve results. The last years has shown how strong but also how weak independent local self gov can be.
“Political values and political processes”
Roundtable discussion on the occasion of the 15. edition of "Politicka Misla" and six years of KAS in Macedonia
In 2002 the idea for an indipendent intellctual magazin in Macedonia was born. The initative was to gather a group of like-minded and also open minded people to express their opinion and to create opinions. Since this time 15 copies were published.