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Studien- und Informationsprogramm
Besuchsprogramm für den stv. Premierminister der Republik Mazedonien, Herrn Musa Xhaferi
Der stellvertretende Ministerpräsident Musa Xhaferi reist auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung nach Brüssel und Berlin.
Political Academy 7
Foreign and Security Policy
The last weekend seminar in the frame of the Political Academy is dealing with Foreign and Security Policy.
Intercultural Communication and Social Work
The Art of Conflict Transformation in multiethnic Regions of Skopje
If one understands ”cultural” and ”structural” violence (Johan Galtung) as the root causes of direct violence, peace processes have to be initiated on all these levels and have to mutually empower each other.
10 Items per Page
10 Items per Page