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Contributii la manifestari

Echoes from Lebanon

A Collective Virtual Art Exhibition

A virtual art exhibition under the theme of Arts & Politics

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During the challenging times Lebanon passed through in the last period, especially since the revolution of October 2019, many artists expressed pain, emotions, anger through Art. After the August 2020 Beirut Port explosion this has been seen to increase. Whether it’s painting, illustrations, photography, music, sculpture, art is here to scream out and express the needs of a country that is suffering from the political regime.


In a vision to give Lebanese artists a platform to portray their art and express their emotions through art pieces, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Lebanon had previously launched an Art exhibition which had different rooms pertaining to different problems and aspects in Lebanon. After the success of all the rooms in the arts exhibition, I Have Learned Academy in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Lebanon launched two new rooms portraying the Beirut port explosion and Lebanese uprising art pieces. A launching event which included 6 of the artists featured was held online on zoom which had a lot of participants attend and explore the art exhibition.


Feedback and participation was interactive throughout the new rooms as people have enjoyed walking virtually around the rooms in the art exhibition.


You can visit the exhibition on: www.artsandpolitics.me


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persoane de contact

Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel


Dania.ismaiel@kas.de +961 (0)1 388 095/6


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despre această serie

Fundaţia Konrad-Adenauer, atelierele sale de formare, centrele de formare şi birourile din străinătate oferă anual mai multe mii de manifestări pe diverse teme. Conferinţele, evenimentele, simpozioanele etc. sunt prezentate pentru Dvs. într-o manieră actuală şi exclusivă pe adresa www.kas.de. Pe lângă rezumatele manifestărilor, aici puteţi găsi materiale suplimentare cum ar fi fotografii, manuscrise ale discursurilor, înregistrări video sau audio.

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