

Tirana Connectivity Forum 2019

Weaving the fabric of the union

The 5th edition of Tirana Connectivity Forum which took place on 29 – 31 October 2019 in Tirana, has already impacted the wave of connectivity and put it in a larger context of implementation and concrete steps of this multi-layered phenomenon.


Yearly TCF and the accompanying report has become the event of reference for:

• Taking stock of the progress, challenges and next benchmarks of the connectivity initiatives in Western Balkans

• Bringing in and developing innovative ideas and analysis on Enlargement, Reforms, Convergence and how they interact with Connectivity

• Creating a critical mass of knowledge on Berlin Process, connectivity and regional cooperation – and hold and transmit it from one Summit to the next.

Tirana Connectivity Forum, this milestone, another year quoted the regional collaboration and commitment in institutional reforms as crucial . This year the forum had four components:

1. In the first one, a World Bank Group representative shared the main conclusions and recommendations on their groundbreaking research on Critical Connectivity and how it supports growth and impacts convergence amongst connected countries.

2. The second component dealt with Spatial connectivity focused on energy, transport and p2p.

3. The third components dealt with Connectivity and Convergence.

4. The fourth component consisted in a closed session with EU and SEE6 think tanks, politicians, etc discussing about how TCF19 conclusions can contribute to the New Enlargement Methodology, with focus on a Development Based Membership Model where connectivity - spatial, markets, value chains, p2p and institutional - is a systemic component.

These components where developed through different panels of experts, researchers, academicians, CSO, WBS coordinators and other policy-makers involved in EU Enlargement in WB6, in Regional Cooperation, and Connectivity dynamics.



Klaudja Zerva

Klaudja Zerva bild

Programmkoordinatorin +355 4 22 66 525




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