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Asset Publisher

The Impact of the Syria Crisis on Jordan's Terrorist Threat

Dr. Amer Al Sabaileh analyses the internal and external terrorist threats to Jordan that result from the Syria Crisis.

Organizational Split and Radicalization within Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

Internal structural changes and ideological rifts have given rise to new strategies for legitimizing violence.

Survey: The Syrian Conflict, Migration and the Refugee Crisis in Jordan

A survey was conducted in November 2018, covering a sample comprising of 1,305 Jordanians and 600 Syrian refugees in Jordan. They answered questions about their opinions regarding the Syrian conflict, the refugee crisis, migration and the Jordan-Syria border.

EU-Jordan Trade Agreement

Overview and Implementation Status

In February 2016, as the Syria refugee crisis started to peak, the international community held a conference in London to discuss a joint response to the crisis: It heralded a decisive paradigm shift in European development cooperation, away from short-term emergency aid to long-term strengthening of initial host country resilience. A core outcome of the conference was the Jordan Compact — an agreement between Jordan, the European Union, and the World Bank. This study aims to give an overview on Jordan’s economy and to reflect on the progress of the Compact implementation two years on.


Protests and Government Change in the Hashemite Kingdom

The protests in Jordan that began with a nationwide strike on Wednesday, May 30th, were the largest, most sustained in years, and were supported by a broad base of the population. Thousands of people organised on social media using hashtags such as #JordanStrikes. The protests were the immediate reaction to the Amended Income Tax Draft Law that was meant to address the kingdom’s serious debt and fiscal deficit by increasing revenue through taxes. Yet, frustration had long built up in the population as the economy of Jordan has been in decline for years.

Country portrait Jordan: Forms of extremism

From an exporter to a target of Islamist fighters?

While Jordan was not a primary target of Islamist terror in the past, relevant jihadist fighters and thinkers come from Jordan, such as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, former al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, who was killed in 2006 by an American air strike in Iraq, or the Palestinian-Jordanian Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, who is considered one of the most influential jihadist ideologues in the world.


Das gesellschaftliche Stimmungsbild im Nahen Osten

Wie schauen Israelis, Jordanier und Palästinenser auf politische Veränderungen im Nahen Osten?

Im August 2017 eröffneten drei arabische Israelis am nördlichen Zugang des Jerusalemer Tempelbergs/Haram ash-Sharif das Feuer auf israelische Grenzpolizisten.

Business and Professional Women in Jordan

Despite showing remarkable rates of female education, a factor usually leading to higher levels of employment, Jordan continues to have one of the world’s lowest rates of women’s formal workforce participation at only 15%. Nevertheless, success stories of Jordanian women who managed to overcome barriers and establish their own businesses do exist. With this article we would like to draw attention to positive examples of Jordanian businesswomen, as they have the power to motivate and inspire others.

Decentralization Efforts in Jordan

The Municipal and Governorate Council Elections of August 2017

The governorate and municipal council elections of August 2017 were part and parcel of Jordan’s plans to formalize a framework for the country’s decentralization, building on plans of King Abdullah II. This framework was bolstered by new laws passed in 2015 which introduced the governorate council as a new, elected subnational advisory body. While the new governorate councils have the potential to increase local participation in the formulation of local development needs and service-provision, they have no legislative authority.

Mit einer App gegen den IS?

Neue Wege im Kampf gegen Radikalisierung in Jordanien

Die Zahl der terroristischen Anschläge in Jordanien wächst kontinuierlich. Dabei ist das Land längst nicht mehr nur ein Anschlagsziel. Der sogenannte Islamische Staat (IS) rekrutiert auch einen Teil seiner Kämpfer aus Jordanien. Um die fortschreitende Radikalisierung einzudämmen, haben die jordanische Regierung und religiöse Eliten nun eine neue Initiative gestartet: Über eine App soll der Gedanke eines moderaten und positiven Islam verbreitet und dem IS so der Zulauf genommen werden.