Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Lifting the Political Ban on Anwar Ibrahim

A short analysis of the past and possible future political career of Anwar Ibrahim. Available only in German.

Politischer Tsunami in Malaysia: Regierungskoalition BN verliert bei Parlamentswahlen das Herrschaftmonopol

Die Wähler haben der seit fast fünf Jahrzehnten mit Zweidrittelmehrheit uneingeschränkt regierenden Parteienkoalition Barisan National (BN) am 08. März 2008 die größte Wahlniederlage ihrer Geschichte beschert; sie kann nur knapp ihre Mehrheit zur Regierungsbildung sichern. Die Opposition ist der große Gewinner bei den 12. Parla-mentswahlen in Malaysia. Ein Sieg auch für die Demokratie?

Kerohanian dan Pencerahan

Spirituality and Enlightenment

This is a collection of essays and interviews that were previously published on the website that discusses issues relating to the need for a more enlightened understanding of religion and spirituality. In Malaysian language only.

Individualisme: Yang Hak Dan Yang Batil

Individualism: the Truth and the False

This is a Malaysian language translation of the essay regarding individualism by Friedrich August von Hayek.

Pengalaman Bertuhan

Religion and State: Recollections of the Religious

This is a collection of Malaysian language essays by seven Malaysian writers of diverse religious backgrounds, writing about their personal views of their own religions and their political, socio-economic and cultural implications.

Let's Vote

A booklet about voting rights and the dos-and-don'ts during voting.

Nathan Yang Bijak

Nathan der Weise

A Malaysian language translation of "Nathan der Weise" by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.

Pergolakan Pemikiran Islam: Catatan Harian Ahmad Wahib

(Upheaval of Islamic Thoughts: Diaries of Ahmad Wahib)

Ahmad Wahib (1942 - 1973) was an Indonesian journalist, cultural icon and thinker.

Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Elections

as adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union Council

This is a booklet of the Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Elections as unanimously adapted by the Inter-Parliamentary Council at its 154th session in Paris, 26 March 1994). Also available in the Malaysian language "Pengisytiharan Kriteria Bagi Pilihanraya Yang Adil Dan Saksama".

The Initiative for the Formation of a Malaysian Interfaith Commission - A Documentation

Malaysian Interfaith Commision