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Podcast: The credibility crisis of the media in Africa and Europe

How can journalists regain trust in the era of Fake News?

Listen to our podcast on the media's credibility crisis in Africa and Europe!

Fact vs. Fake: The impact of fact-checking organisations in Africa

It is difficult to measure the impact of fact checkers on African society. But their work may be the key to restoring the credibility of the media.

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Fäuste, Frust und Fremdenhass in Südafrikas Wahlkampf

Mit dem herannahenden Wahltermin am 8. Mai nehmen Nervosität und Spannung in Südafrikas Wahlkampf zu. Ausschreitungen gegen Ausländer stellen die Strategien der Parteien in Frage, die nahezu allesamt mit einem einwanderungskritischen Diskurs auf Wählerfang sind. Gleichzeitig offenbaren Aufrufe zu Verbrennungen von Büchern des Journalisten Pieter-Louis Myburgh die Dünnhäutigkeit in Teilen der Regierungspartei African National Congress (ANC), da die Enthüllungen Myburghs die systematische Korruption im ANC anprangern. Zwar deuten Umfragen darauf hin, dass ANC-Präsident Ramaphosa weiterhin regieren wird, doch die allgemeine Unzufriedenheit mit der Regierung und der Frust in breiten Teilen der Wählerschichten sind allgegenwärtig.

E-lection Bridge Conference 2019


E-lection Bridge Africa 2019 - Africa's smallest mainland country, The Gambia, hosted KAS Media Africa's 9th annual conference for campaigning experts from our partner parties. We discussed election strategies and campaigning in rural areas and learnt of the value of civic action to support democratic transitions. Watch our video:

WWW by Ai. Comput'In

30 Years World Wide Web


30 Years World Wide Web – the revolution meant a lot of positive change for Africa. But if a careful usage of the internet is not being taught right up from the beginning, it has the potential to become really dangerous.

Entrepreneurial Journalism in Africa

Media in Africa is under stress. Just like anywhere else in the world, fewer people are reading and consumer habits are changing fast, with more and more people trying to get news for free. But there is no good news for free.

The future of radio in South Africa

Innovation and Trends

The following research by Sarah Beham explores the current trends and innovations in the South African radio landscape, the challenges facing radio stations and how they are adapting. It also considers the role of language, local content as well as the tradition of storytelling.

press freedom by Felipe Tofani

Comparing press freedom in Africa and Germany

An interview with Christoph Plate, Head of the Sub-Saharan Africa Media Programme of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

Social Media Guide

social media by Sean MacEntee

"Use social media for your political work, but don´t be used by social media."

Christoph Plate, Director of the Media Programme Subsahara Africa, talks about the role of journalism in Africa.

The level of freedom of press is different in the 53 African countries. In South Africa people can say things that they can be jailed for in neighboring states, like Zimbabwe or Angola. Christoph Plate explains the current standard of liberty of press in Africa, the importance of fake news in the African society and how media companies can survive in spite of decreasing editions.