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The role of religious actors in conflict prevention, management and resolution

The current example of Cameroon

The event’s objective is to create an overview regarding the state of religious actors in conflict management in the context of the current political situation in Cameroon and the country´s presidential elections on 7th of October.

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Religion has always played a major role in societies in conflict management, prevention and resolution. As Cameroon is highly influenced by its various religious groups, the question is raised to what extent religious actors are able to mitigate amongst the different conflicting parties. Therefore, the discussion’s objective is to create an overview regarding the state of religious actors in conflict management in the context of the current political situation in Cameroon and ahead of presidential elections on 7th of October. Moreover, the event will discuss future opportunities for the religious actors to foster their influence to prevent any intensification of conflict.

Questions to be discussed:

Which steps have to be taken to prevent an intensification of intercultural conflict in Cameroon?

How can religious actors shape conflict mitigation? How can the EU support those possible actions?

How can the example of religious intervention in Cameroon become a model of transferability to the whole region?

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Europäisches Parlament
Rue Wiertz 60,



  • Rev. Thomas Mokoko
    • Communication Secretary of the Presbyterian Church of Cameroon and President of the Cameroon Council of Churches //Flaubert Djateng
      • Coordinator of the Zenü network

        Sabina Wölkner

        Sabina Wölkner

        Head of Department 2030 Agenda +32 2 66931-77 +32 2 66931-62

        Johannes Hügel

        Johannes Hügel

        Head of Office, KAS Ecuador (+593) 2-401-6117 ext 812

        Asset Publisher

        Asset Publisher


        Brot für die Welt v_1