Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Women and Custom in Namibia

Cultural Practice Versus Gender Equality?

This publication makes a valuable contribution in terms of such education, and will be a tool not only for researchers, students, academics, lawyers and stakeholders in the fi eld of women’s rights and customary practices,but also for the public at large. At the same time, this important publication serves as a guide for all those men and women who wish to contribute to the enhancement of women’s rights in Namibia or who wish to empower themselvesby breaking the fetters in their thinking.

The Independence of the Judiciary in Namibia

Edited by Nico Horn and Anton Bösl

This book offers an insight into the inner life of Namibia’s judicial system: its structure and the mechanisms inherent in the system to ensure the independence of the judiciary. It discusses the implications and limitations of an independent judiciary in the country, and debates the independence and uniqueness of the Namibian prosecutorial authority.

Parliament Journal

Publication of the Parliament of Namibia - Vol. 6 No. 2, May - August 2008

The Journal of the Parliament of Namibia covers ongoing activities of Parliament, important legislative developments and covers visits of eminent personalities, e.g. the visit of the President of Liberia.

Teilweise frei – aber keinesfalls fair.

Die Parlamentswahlen in Angola 2008

Am 5. September 2008 fanden in Angola die ersten Parlamentswahlen seit 16 Jahren und die zweiten Wahlen in der Geschichte des Landes statt. Die UNITA (Nationale Union für die totale Unabhängigkeit Angolas) hatte das Ergebnis der letzten Wahlen 1992, aus denen die MPLA (Volksbewegung zur Befreiung Angolas) für viele überraschend als Siegerin hervorging, nicht anerkannt und die zweite und blutigste Phase des Bürgerkriegs, in dessen Verlauf (von 1975 – 2002) ca. 1 Mio. Menschen ums Leben kamen, eingeleitet. Deshalb warteten viele Beobachter nicht nur interessiert auf die Ergebnisse dieser Wahlen, sondern blickten auch gespannt darauf, wie die UNITA als stärkste oppositionelle Partei (wenn auch teilweise eingebunden in eine Regierung der Nationalen Einheit) diesmal auf einen möglichen und sehr wahrscheinlichen Wahlverlust reagiert.

Angola votes!

Erste Parlamentswahlen seit 16 Jahren

On the 5th of September 2008 the first elections of parliament for 16 years and the second elections in the country’s history will take place in Angola. After several postponements of the parliament elections the government has created the necessary legislative and administrative conditions to hold formal and politically accurate elections. After violent confrontations during the run-up to and after the elections in Kenya and Zimbabwe and the difficult establishments of governments, a great number of people sceptically face the elections in Angola, which has a very small democratic tradition and whose first and up to now only election ended up in a bloody civil war in 1992.

Angola - Election observer manual

For the parliamentary elections 2008

The pocket size booklet was specifically designed for the election observers for the parliamentary elections in September 2008. It shall ensure a free and fair electoral process on election day at the polling stations.

Violence against Women and Girls in Namibia

Understanding the perpetrators and developing measures for prevention and treatment

The report analyses the reasons for the perpetration of violence against women and girls and develops measures for prevention and treatment.

Conditions of Police Cells in Namibia

The report

Parliament Journal

Publication of the Parliament of Namibia - Vol. 6 No. 1 January - April 2008

The Journal of the Parliament of Namibia covers ongoing activities of Parliament, important legislative developments and covers visits of eminent Parliamentarians, e.g. the visit of the President of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag).

10th Windhoek Dialogue ends with declarations on Zimbabwe and Angola

The 10th Windhoek Dialogue took place on 1 – 3 May 2008 in Windhoek, in cooperation with the Robert Schuman Foundation. The international conference has been taking place for 12 years and constitutes a platform for MEPs of the EPP-ED group of the European Parliament (European People’s Party – European Democrats), and decision-makers of centrist African parties, which formed the Union of African Parties for Democracy and Development (UPADD/UPADD) in Windhoek in 1996. UPADD consists of 25 parties from 24 countries and meets regularly. In conjunction with MEPs such meetings are known as the Windhoek Dialogue. The last Windhoek Dialogue took place in May 2007 in Berlin, shortly before the G8 summit in Heiligendamm.