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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


Rochade Mitte-Rechts: Løkke stabilisiert seine Minderheitsregierung in Dänemark

Balanceakt im Kreuzfeuer von Interessensgegensätzen

Um seine Ein-Parteien-Minderheitsregierung auf eine breitere Basis zu stellen, hat Dänemarks Ministerpräsident Lars Løkke Rasmussen Koalitionsgespräche mit anderen Parteien des „Blauen Blocks“ geführt. Nach einer Woche Verhandlungen steht fest: Künftige Regierungspartner seiner liberal-konservativen Partei Venstre sind die auf europäischer Ebene der EVP angehörende Konservative Volkspartei und die Liberale Allianz.

Papst Franziskus zum Reformationsjubiläum in Lund

Eine Sensation in einem der säkularisiertesten Länder der Welt

Einen historischen Moment erlebte Schweden zum Auftakt der Feiern zum 500. Jahrestag der Reformation 2017. In der beschaulichen Studentenstadt Lund ging es turbulent zu, als Papst Franziskus anreiste und mit lutherischen Geistlichen einen Gottesdienst feierte. Der Besuch des römisch-katholischen Kirchenoberhaupts gilt als wichtiger Meilenstein für die Beziehung zwischen Lutheranern und Katholiken. Auch in der 600 Kilometer entfernten Hauptstadt Stockholm wurde der Papstbesuch diskutiert und Aussagen des Papstes in den Sozialen Medien verbreitet.

Norway´s government seeks for renewal of the national budget

Norway has to reduce its dependence on mineral oil

The decline of prices of mineral oil from about 110 USD (around 97 Euro) per barrel in summer 2014 to the current price of under 50 USD (around 44 Euro) endangers Norway's wealth. The development of the oil and gas prices has been weaker than expected, although the oil prices have slightly increased again in the last two months. That is why the Norwegian state has to balance out lower income from the mineral oil activities. At the same time, state oil funds grow slower than predicted.

Iceland´s new president starts his mandate with a historical novelity

Political newcomer Gudni Johannesson wins elections

On the first days after his election, the new President and political newcomer Gudni Johannesson could witness Icelands Football National team kicking out England with 2:1 of the European Championship.

Party Conference of Høyre in Oslo - an unconventional convention

Prime Minister Erna Solberg confirmed as chairwoman

Erna Solberg has been the chairwoman of the Conservative Party Høyre in Norway since 2003. Last weekend she was reelected enthusiastically for another two years.

Lesson Learned? Icelands Prime Minister under fierce pressure after leaked "Panama Papers"

"Panama Papers" reveal a tender spot of Iceland

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson is one of the world wide high-level politicians who is charged by the "Panama Papers". Two days after Gunnlaugsson letterbox company became public, his party announced his withdrawal as chairman. Gunnlaugsson however informed the international press, that he will be only pausing but not resigning. Now he is blamed for breaking trust.

Increasing number ob refugees: Norway seeks for closer cooperation in Northern Europe

Dissent about course of migration policy

In the beginning of this year the Norwegian government aims to present a new asylum package. The influence of the upcoming elections for Parliament in 2017 is already noticeably.

Migration Policy in Sweden

Flawed role model?

For a long time Sweden aimed to be an international pioneer in migration policy and now it is making every effort to be the worse than others, sounded the alarm on November 24 in the Sweden´s major newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. The newspaper was referring to the extensive measures which the government released beforehand in order to become less attractive for refugees.

The Norwegian response to the refugee crisis

Norway received highest number of asylum seekers

In 2015 Europe has experienced one of the greatest influxes of refugees and migrants since WW2 as vast numbers of people have fled the ongoing violence in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries. The European asylum systems have consequently been put under severe pressure. Norway is one of the countries that have received the highest number of asylum seekers compared to local population in 2015. In relative terms, only six European countries received more asylum applications (January-October 2015).

Denmark after the elections:

Comment by Siegfried Matlok, former chief editor of the German newspaper "Der Nordschleswiger" in Denmark

After the Folketings-elections Denmark expects an exciting but difficult situation for the Parliament.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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