Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

„Religious Narratives on Jerusalem and their Role in Peace Building“

The question of Jerusalem is one of the major points of contention in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and surely one of the most difficult to solve. Apart from the political and territorial questions involved, the situation is further complicated by the fact that all three monotheistic religions, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, lay claim to the Holy City.

The Palestinian Business Law Guide: a practical tool for investing in the Palestinian Territories

Ein praktisches Hilfsmittel zum Investieren in die palästinensischen Autonomiegebiete

In recent years the economic growth in the Palestinian Territories has become a fertile ground for investors. Newcomers to the market are however in real need of comprehensive and up-to-date information to launch their business effectively. The Palestinian Business Law Guide aims to lead potential investors into the new business and regulatory environment in the Palestinian Territories, enabling local and foreign entrepreneurs to optimise opportunities in the market.

Results of latest Israeli-Palestinian opinion poll

Majority of Palestinians and Israelis prefer two-state solution over binational state or confederation

A majority of Israelis and Palestinians prefer a two-state solution as the most acceptable resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, as opposed to a single binational state or a Palestinian-Israeli confederation.

Ruprecht Polenz visits Palestinian Autonomous Territories

Ruprecht Polenz, chairman of the foreign committee of the German Bundestag visited the Palestinian Autonomous Territories during his stay in the region

Narratives in Conflict

Im Rahmen eines Kooperationsprojekts mit dem Deutschen Entwicklungsdienst (DED) und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Truman Institute an der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem und der palästinensischen NGO PRIME in Bethlehem, hat die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) einen interdisziplinären dreitägigen Workshop zur Rolle von nationalen Narrativen im israelisch-palestinensichen Konflikt unter angehenden Akademikern in Jerusalem ausgerichtet.

Hope Ltd.

A Joint Project of German, Palestinian and Israeli Young Journalists

The English magazine titled Hope Ltd. – A Joint Project of German, Palestinian and Israeli Young Journalists” documents the experiences of the ambitious young journalists while participating in the nine-day-long workshop. The workshop has been organized by KAS Ramallah and the KAS “Young Journalists Program” (JONA) with the support of KAS Israel and has been funded in the framework of a cooperation project with the German Development Service (DED)/Civil Peace Service.

Joint Israeli-Palestinian Poll, December 2009

In Israel: A slim majority (52%) believes Israel should pay almost any price to return prisoners of war.In the PA: If released from jail, Marwan Barghouti would beat Ismail Haniyeh for Presidency by a large margin.

Nationale Einigung zwischen Hamas und Fatah gescheitert

Präsident Abbas ruft Neuwahlen aus

Nachdem die für Ende Oktober angekündigte Unterzeichnung eines Einheitsabkommens zwischen Fatah und Hamas gescheitert ist, hat der palästinensische Präsident Mahmud Abbas für den 24. Januar 2010 Präsidentschafts- und Parlamentswahlen ausgerufen - und wenig später seinen Rückzug aus der Politik angekündigt.

Key Data in Comparison

Socioeconomic data of the West Bank and Gaza in comparison to Jordan and Israel.

Joint Israeli Palestinian Poll, August 2009

Israelis are more apprehensive and Palestinians somewhat more favorable about US involvement in the Peace Process compared to their expectations last December after Obama’s election