Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Toward A Low Carbon Energy Transition in Cambodia

Expert Analysis on National Energy Policy

Cambodia’s energy sector is undergoing constant transformation. The paper, funded by KAS RECAP, scrutinizes energy security in Cambodia. The author, Dr. Pheakdey Heng provides concrete recommendations for policymakers, seeking to help Cambodia develop an effective pathway to transform its energy sector from fossil fuel to more sustainable energy sources.

10 Trends Reshaping Climate and Energy

European Political Strategy Centre, European Comission

The once remote-seeming dangers of climate change are today a reality – also in Europe. As the world struggles to limit global warming, what are the major trends reshaping global and European energy markets, regulatory and policy frameworks, and technological progress that will determine whether we will, one day, be able to achieve a carbon-neutral economy?

National Climate Assessment: U.S. Climate Action Can Avoid Tens of Thousands of Deaths, Hundreds of Billions in Damages Annually

The Fourth National Climate Assessment Report released on November 23rd presents a strong and clear message: Climate change is already affecting every sector and region of America, and further warming will wreak havoc on our health, lands and economy.

The 2018 Report of the Lancet Countdown

Health and Climate Change: Shaping the Health of Nations for Centuries to Come

The Lancet Countdown: tracking progress on health and climate change was established to provide an independent, global monitoring system dedicated to tracking the health dimensions of the impacts of, and the response to, climate change. The Lancet Countdown tracks 41 indicators across five domains: climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerability; adaptation, planning, and resilience for health; mitigation actions and health co-benefits; finance and economics; and public and political engagement.

Climate and Energy Protection in the EU and China

5th Workshop on EU-Asia Relations in Global Politics

This edited volume gives an insight into climate and energy protection in China and the European Union (EU). By taking a closer look at the EU and China seperately, the book presents the current situation in terms of environmental policy and energy use/ consumption in the EU as well as in China. The book broaches the collaboration of the EU and China regarding climate and energy protection. The target audience primarily comprises research experts in the field of climate research as well as public decision makers.

Climate Change and Violent Conflict: Sparse Evidence from South Asia and South East Asia

The impacts of climate change are increasingly viewed as global security risks, which will have far-reaching implications for both human and renewable natural systems. Most climate–conflict research has focused on East Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. This SIPRI Insights explores and summarizes the findings from a systematic literature review of climate–conflict research on South Asia and South East Asia. Although these regions have been greatly affected by both climate change and conflict, there have only been a small number of rigorous academic studies that focus on the climate–conflict relationship. While this constrains the ability to draw general conclusions, there is context specific evidence that climate change can have an effect on the causes and dynamics of violent conflict in the region when: (a) it leads to a deterioration in people’s livelihoods; (b) it influences the tactical considerations of armed groups; (c) elites use it to exploit social vulnerabilities and resources; and (d) it displaces people and increases levels of migration. In acknowledging that these mechanisms are often interlinked and more noticeable in some climatic, conflict and socio-economic contexts than in others, the need for more research in both regions is clear.

Klimawandel: Die Sintflut kommt

Über den Klimawandel reden wir noch immer, als sei er ferne Fiktion. Dabei ist längst ein Klimakrieg im Gange.

Der Mensch kann sich um sich selbst kümmern, um seine Familie, seine Freunde, vielleicht sein Land. Um seinen Planeten offenbar nicht. Der Klimawandel ist zu groß für unsere Wahrnehmung. Er ist keine plötzliche Gefahr, die über uns hereinfällt, sondern eine schleichende, die wir seit Jahrzehnten kennen. Er ist kein konkretes, singuläres Ereignis, sondern eine Verkettung dynamischer Prozesse.

Climate Primer For Institutional Investors

Climate Change and Financial Risk

Climate change presents an existential threat to modern civilization. However, because its effects manifest over generational timescales, the present generation has only limited incentive to address this threat. In the financial sector, institutional investors are becoming more and more aware of the risks presented by climate change and are willing to take action. This WWF report, supported by KAS RECAP, offers a comprehensive introduction into the basics of climate change, based upon the latest scientific knowledge. It further presents an overview on green finance instruments.

Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century

Accelerating Climate Action in Urgent Times

The Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, and its flagship project the New Climate Economy, were set up to help governments, businesses and society make better-informed decisions on how to achieve economic prosperity and development while also addressing climate change. It was commissioned in 2013 by the governments of Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The Global Commission, comprising, 28 former heads of government and finance ministers, and leaders in the fields of economics, business and finance, operates as an independent body and, while benefiting from the support of the partner governments, has been given full freedom to reach its own conclusions.

The Future of Energy and Climate Security

A Reflection of the workshop series organized by KAS and EUCERS in Singapore, South Korea and Kazakhakstan

This joint book publication brings together contributions by our authors based on their presentations at our KAS/EUCERS workshop series in Singapore, South Korea and Kazakhstan. Authors such as Professor Hongyuan yu, Anatole boute and many more give insight into issues surrounding changing global gas markets and the importance of clean energy and climate security. It picks up the most important points of discussion from our three workshops with contributions by speakers and participants under the general theme of “The future of energy and climate security”.