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Asset Publisher

OAC's Brochure about the e-Litigation Portal – supported by KAS

How does the Electronic Administrative Case System work?

The Office of the Administrative Court with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Thailand has produced a brochure that explains the use of the Electronic Administrative Case System also known as e-Litigation Portal. The goal is to increase the understanding of the e-Litigation Portal for the general public and the internal personnel of the Office of the Administrative Courts. The hope is that litigation is carried out more digitally than through paperwork.

Policy Proposals on Decentralization for the 2020s in Thailand

Publication by the Chiang Mai Creative Urban Studies Center (CUSC) and supported by the KAS

The book “Policy Proposals on Decentralization for the 2020s in Thailand” was published in November 2022 by the Chiang Mai Creative Urban Studies Center (CUSC). The contained over 400 ideas and proposals address the problems of local government in Thailand over the last 6 decades. They were collected from seminars and speeches held all over the country from January – October 2022.

The Publication of Administrative Case Proceeding Manual for People

New Publication by the Administrative Court of Thailand, supported by the KAS Thailand

The Focus of the Administrative Court of Thailand’s “The Publication of Administrative Case Proceeding Manual for People”, which was supported by the KAS Thailand, is on “procedural transparency” - which is one of the important parts of upholding the international rule of law.

Decoding: The Smart Way of Local Administration

The book “Decoding: Smart Way of Local Management”, supported by the KAS Thailand, compiles several academic articles on decentralization and local administration.

Thailand’s Smart Cities

Framework and Practice in three Provinces (Nakhonsawan, Phitsanulok, and Chiang Mai)

The study "Thailand’s Smart Cities: Framework and Practice in three Provinces (Nakhonsawan, Phitsanulok, and Chiang Mai)", which the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Thailand and the Institute for Democratization Studies (IDS) worked on together, will focus on three potential smart cities: Chiang Mai, Phitsanulok, and Nakhonsawan. They fulfill Thailand’s development priorities of making the country “smart” through an approach based on sustainability, digital economy, and the development of modern urban centers.

Isra News' articles of November 2022

Read news articles of November 2022 from Isra News Agency (in Thai language).

Read news articles of November 2022 from Isra News Agency with the support of KAS Thailand (in Thai language): 1) Lesson learned from Nong Bua Lamphu mass shooting – can community anti-drug centres really help?; 2) Thailand ranked 47th on the violence impact index – structural resolution is needed; 3) COP 27 and the establishment of “loss and damage fund”: are wealthy countries just putting on a facade?; 4) Bonus payments for local administrative organizations’ employees that come from alleged deduct money: loopholes for corruption that hard to be closed.

Isra News' articles of October 2022

Read news articles of October 2022 from Isra News Agency (in Thai language).

Read news articles of October 2022 from Isra News Agency with the support of KAS Thailand (in Thai language): 1) Bias in justifying violent actions towards rivals – the reflection of deep polarization in Thai society; 2) Thai children are at risk of online crimes and harassment; 3) “Balance and Sustainability” in environmental issues: biggest challenge between state and civil society.

Isra News' articles of September 2022

Read news articles of September 2022 from Isra News Agency (in Thai language).

Read news articles of September 2022 from Isra News Agency with the support of KAS Thailand (in Thai language): 1) When local administrative agencies can conduct internal investigation against allegations without the help of the National Anti-Corruption Commission – the quest for transparency arises; 2) Thailand’s cannabis bills in review – before resuming into the parliamentary session in November; 3) Take a look at “Thailand’s 13th Five Year National Economic and Social Development Plan” – fixing generational poverty and reducing monopolization; 4) Despite the law, Thailand’s went through 35 Million Rai of slash and burn farming - causing seasonal pattern of air pollution.



Drittes Gipfeltreffen in Südostasien im November 2022 mit einem Fokus auf Handel-, Wachstums- und Nachhaltigkeitsfragen

Nach mehreren zwischenstaatlichen Treffen in Kambodscha (Ostasien-Gipfel, US-ASEAN-Gipfel, ASEAN-Gipfel) und der G20 in Indonesien hat das dritte internationale politische Ereignis in Südostasien diesen Monat nun in Thailand stattgefunden. Der APEC-Gipfel fokussierte sich auf Handels-, Wachstums- und Nachhaltigkeitsfragen. Alle 21 Mitglieder konnten sich trotz regionaler Spannungen, Differenzen zu Russlands Krieg in der Ukraine, ökonomischer Herausforderungen nach der Covid-19-Krise und geostrategischer Rivalitäten auf eine gemeinsame Abschlusserklärung einigen. Diese bekräftigte die VN-Resolution vom 2. März 2022, die die Aggression der Russischen Föderation gegen die Ukraine verurteilte. Die APEC-Mitglieder veröffentlichten zudem eine gemeinsame Ministererklärung und verabschiedeten die „Bangkok-Ziele“ zu einer biologischen und grünen Circular Economy. Staats- und Regierungschefs sowie hochrangige Vertreter der 21 Volkswirtschaften nahmen an dem Gipfel teil. Unter den Gaststars befanden sich der chinesische Präsident Xi Jinping, die Vizepräsidentin der Vereinigten Staaten Kamala Harris und Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron. Wladimir Putin, Russlands Präsident, blieb dem internationalen Treffen wieder einmal fern. An seiner Stelle kam der Erste Stellvertretende Ministerpräsident Andrei Belousov.

Isra News' articles of August 2022

Read news articles of August 2022 from Isra News Agency (in Thai language).

Read news articles of August 2022 from Isra News Agency with the support of KAS Thailand (in Thai language): 1) Draft regulation on hire-purchase of cars and motorbikes: interest-rate control and consumer protection; 2) Are ethnic groups causing climate change?: listen to their voices; 3) Council of State defines that the cabinet resolution that orders 28k senior citizens to return their old-age allowance is a constitutional violation.