Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

The Constitutional Court - the Rule of Law and Human Rights

The Constitutional Court Digest Vol. 14

The Constitutional Court Digest Vol. 14 for the year 2016 aims to produce as well as to gather academic articles and legal opinions relating to constitutional laws and other related constitutional matters from academics, legal experts and officials of the Constitutional Court.

Development of the Mediation and Conciliation Process for the Administrative Cases in the year 2000-2015

The book published by the Office of the Administrative Courts of Thailand in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation compiles the details and conclusions from many activities held to study about the mediation and conciliation process in the administrative courts of other countries. The given information and knowledge would be the significant factors in the Thai Administrative Courts’ juridical development in the near future. The publication is available only in Thai language.

Administrative Case Compendium Vol.7

The publication of the Office of Administrative Courts of Thailand (OAC) in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation provides details of administrative cases happening in Thailand, for example judicial discretion, community rights, etc. This publication is available only in Thai language.

Articles on Administrative Cases Vol.4

The publication of the Office of Administrative Courts of Thailand (OAC) in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation compiles the articles and conclusions of administrative cases happening in Thailand, including the principles of law concerned with each presented case. This publication is available only in Thai language.

A Planetary and Global Ethics for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy

The articles in this book are drawn from the international conference “Ethics, Climate Change and Energy” which was held on 27-28 November 2014, at Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand and under cooperation between Konrad Adenauer Foundation and College of Religious Studies of Mahidol University.

The Role of the Office of the Attorney General in the Prosecution Process and the Protection of National Interests

The ASEAN Economic Community Framework

The book will provide deeper knowledge and information about the ASEAN Economic Community to the target group which consists of legal officials of the Attorney-General Office, members of private sectors, law students and the public. Moreover, it will allow the mentioned group of people to get prepared for judicial process of possible disputes happening among the public and the private sectors of ASEAN in the future. The publication is available in Thai only.

Environmental Values Emerging from Cultures and Religions of the ASEAN Region

ASEAN is economically and politically one of the most important regions for global environmental protection strategies. Today, it is one of the most dynamic regions of the world, with some countries experiencing a deep economic and social transformation. Aside from the growing political and economic importance, recent natural catastrophes in the region have increased concerns and responsibilities related to environmental protection and climate change. Now is therefore the best moment to reconsider environmental values that can serve as guidelines for ASEAN's transformation.

Flucht und Migration

Weltweite Reaktionen

Die Themen Flucht und Migration stehen bereits seit längerem im Mittelpunkt der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung Deutschlands und Europas und haben mit der jüngsten Zuspitzung der Flüchtlingsproblematik eine rasante Dynamik entwickelt. Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat zusammengetragen, wie das Thema in anderen Regionen der Welt wahrgenommen wird und welche eigenen Erfahrungen es dort gibt. Darüber hinaus haben unsere Auslandsmitarbeiter und -mitarbeiterinnen die aktuelle Stimmung und den Tenor politischer Diskussionen in den Mitgliedsstaaten der EU und ihren Anrainer-Staaten eingefangen.

Einigung in der Griechenland-Krise

Weltweite Reaktionen

Die Einigung in der Griechenland-Krise auf dem Sondergipfel der Euro-Gruppe am 12./13. Juli 2015 ist ein beherrschendes Thema in ganz Europa und darüber hinaus. Einen Überblick über Reaktionen in Politik und Medien in ihren Einsatzländern geben die Auslandsmitarbeiterinnen und -mitarbeiter der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in dem vorliegenden Stimmungsbild.

The Constitutional Court Rulings 2011 (published in 2015)

The publication published by the Office of the Constitutional Court of Thailand (OCC) and funded by Konrad Adenauer Foundation Thailand Office aims to introduce the interested readers the important rulings of the Constitutional Court for the year 2011 which comprise of the summaries of 23 cases available in English and Thai.