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Overcoming 70 Years of National Division and Commemorating 25 Years of German Reunification

Ways and Instruments to come to Terms with the Past: German Reunification Success and Lessons for Korea

In the context of the German reunification the importance of coming to terms with the past became obvious. Successful instruments to this end will be presented, also possible conclusions for Korea to deal with its past in an appropriate way.

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  • Dr. Jens Hüttmann (German Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship)
    • Bernd Lüdkemeier (former Director
      • Saxony-Anhalt State Agency for Civic Education) and Korean experts


    Überwindung von 70 Jahren nationaler Teilung Koreas und Gedenken an 25 Jahre deutsche Einheit: Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung und Erfolge im Kontext der deutschen Wiedervereinigung und Lehren für Korea
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    Dr. Norbert Eschborn


    Designated Head KAS Croatia-Slovenia
    Gedenkjahr 2015 - 70 Jahre koreanische Teilung - 25 Jahre deutsche Einheit KAS Korea

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