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Event Reports

Delegation of young diplomats from Latin America to Europe

Global trends for the solution of multilateral challenges

Nine young diplomats from Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Brazil, Panama, and Ecuador participated in the second delegation program organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's Regional Program ADELA

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Nine young diplomats from Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Brazil, Panama, and Ecuador participated in the second delegation program organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's Regional Program ADELA. This Dialogue program focused on the theme: 'Global trends for addressing multilateral challenges.' Its primary objective was to provide reflective learning opportunities, fostering the development of multilateral dialogue among nations. The program aimed to deepen understanding of international organizations' experiences in international, regional, and sub-regional cooperation. It encouraged reflection on Latin America's current role in multilateral cooperation, as well as its’ potential for future relations, identified the functions of multilateral organizations, and explored their connections with Latin America.


Throughout this experience, participants engaged with various institutional representatives. In Geneva, they met organizations including the World Trade Organization, the International Organization for Migration, the World Health Organization, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Geneva Science Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA), as well as the International Red Cross (ICRC). Discussions centered around Latin America's role and interests in the World Trade Organization (WTO). Persistent technical obstacles and trade barriers continue to pose challenges. Latin Americas potential as a hub for science and research was found to be an important geopolitical factor for the coming years.  The primary aim remains fostering commercial ties rather than establishing a free trade zone, viewing commerce as a driver of development. Areas for improvement include regulations concerning e-commerce, with negotiations on agriculture agreements standing out as one of the most challenging topics.


Subsequently, the delegation engaged with members of the European Parliament in Brussels, including Ms. Angelika Niebler, MEP; Mr. Juan Salafranca, MEP; and Mr. Gabriel Mato, MEP, along with representatives from NATO and the European External Action Service. Multiple meetings with staff and members of the European Parliament facilitated discussions on bilateral interests between Europe and Latin America, covering Sustainable Development, International Trade, and Security. Topics discussed included the Green Deal, focusing on the Amazon region, the MERCOSUR agreement, and the Global Gateway to promote economic sustainability. NATO representatives highlighted that with changed international conditions regarding security and peacekeeping, worldwide cooperation will prove vital to uphold their goal of Collective Defense, as proven by already existing partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region. The visit to Brussels was completed by a dinner with representatives of the European Peoples’ Party (EPP).


 In Vienna, participants engaged with organizations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the OSCE Secretariat, the Vienna School of International Studies,) the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as well as the Organization Of The Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), exchanging views and ideas, as all mentioned organizations operate in Latin America, providing valuable insights as natives who understand their countries and regions the best. Once more, the participants of the delegation had the opportunity to integrate their unique perspectives into conversations with various staff members. They were able to provide an inside view into the state of drug and crime prevention in their respective regions with the UNODC and bring their reflections into conversations with OPEC regarding the future of petroleum exportation, considering the recent advances in the field of green energy, especially in LATAM.

With OSCE, our delegates were able to exchange ideas and engage in dialogues regarding Conflict Prevention with their hosts. On the grounds of the Memorandum of Understanding, which forms the organization's’ very foundation, the multicultural discussions held during the meeting left lasting positive impressions, with both members of OSCE and our participants.

Diplomatic relations between nations strengthen international cooperation across economic, social, political, and humanitarian spheres. Representatives from various countries and international organizations, such as the UN, OAS, and the European Union, play pivotal roles in advancing communication and collaboration to address common glossssssbal challenges. These encompass the Covid-19 pandemic, armed conflicts, migratory crises, discrimination, gender equality, political upheavals, and the climate crisis. Evolving multilateralism demands innovative approaches to impact territories and improve human development and quality of life. Diplomats are instrumental in conceiving initiatives, formulating proposals, and advocating for the needs of new generations on the international stage. The education and training of this cohort are crucial for future coordination in international cooperation, particularly in emerging trends like international diplomacy, information technology, alternative conflict resolution, and mediation.


We express our gratitude to the various organizations and partners of KAS for generously sharing their expertise and insights with the Delegation of young diplomats from Latin America. Our special thanks to our colleagues of the KAS Offices in Geneva, Brussels and Vienna, who made this study visit possible. We also commend this group of young professionals for their profound interest and curiosity in the realm of international work and multilateral dialogue



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Marcee Sofía Gómez Marín

Marcee Gómez

Project Coordinator +507 387 4477


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