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KAS Roundtable 2018: Parliamentary Elections and Their Contested Results

Afghan Parliamentary Elections in the Context of Peace Talks and Upcoming Presidential Elections

On 12 December 2018, the KAS Office in Kabul organised a Roundtable on the Afghan Parliamentary Elections. Invited were election experts, journalists, candidates, and members of the civil society.


Presentation Study "OUTSIDE, INSIDE" KAS/ AAN

Afghanistan's Paradoxical Party System (2001-16)

On May 6, 2018, Mr. Thomas Ruttig from the Afghan Analysts Network presented his new study "OUTSIDE, INSIDE - Afghanistan's paradoxical party system (2001-16)" at the KAS Afghanistan office.

Expert talk

Fifth KAS Roundtable 2017:

The importance of neighboring country Iran for Afghanistan

The topic of the fifth KAS Roundtable 2017 was the importance of the neighboring country Iran for Afghanistan, both in historical, cultural, political and economic terms.

Expert talk

Fourth KAS Roundtable 2017:

The current Afghan-China relations

On April 12, 2017, the fourth KAS roundtable took place on the subject of "The Current Afghan-China Relations" - Political, Economic and Military".


Third KAS Roundtable 2017:

Security measures and their impact on working and living conditions in Kabul

Members of various organizations working in Afghanistan discuss their experiences regarding different security measures and their impact on daily life and work in Kabul.

Expert talk

Second KAS Roundtable 2017:

The peace agreement with Hezb-i-Islami as a model for possible peace talks with the Taliban?

On February 28, 2017, the Second KAS Roundtable 2017 was held on the topic "Can the Peace Agreement with Hisb-i-Islami be a Model for Possible Peace Talks with the Taliban?".

Expert talk

First KAS Roundtable 2017: Russia's Change of Course in its Policy Towards Afghanistan and the Taliban

Is there a new "Great Game" looming in Afghanistan?

On January 18, the first KAS Roundtable on the current topic "Russia's change of course in its policy towards Afghanistan and the Taliban" took place. Afghan and German Experts Discuss Possible Consequences of a New "Great Game

Expert talk

Fourth KAS Roundtable: The Political Impact of the US Presidential Election on Afghanistan

A new American foreign policy under Trump for Afghanistan and the region?

The Fourth KAS Roundtable 2016: "The Political Impact of the US Presidential Election on Afghanistan" Afghan and international experts discuss the possibilities of a new US policy towards Afghanistan under Donald Trump.


Economic Development of Afghanistan since the Pullout of International Troops”

"Administrative Corruption and its Social Effects in Afghanistan"

Two-day seminar series of the KAS-AB Afghanistan at the University of Herat on the topics1. "The economic development of Afghanistan since the withdrawal of international troops "2. "Administrative corruption and its social impact in Afghanistan"

Expert talk

Third KAS Roundtable: The Afghan Government's Peace Agreement with Hisb-i-Islami-Gulbuddin

Risiko oder Chance?

Third KAS Roundtable 2016: The Afghan Government's Peace Agreement with Hisb-i-Islami-Gulbuddin - Risk or Opportunity?

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Positionen der politischen Elite zum Friedensprozess in Afghanistan

Studie und Paneldiskussion

Am 6. Oktober 2020 hat das KAS-Büro in Kabul in Partnerschaft mit AWEC seine Studie über die politischen Eliten im afghanischen Friedensprozess vorgestellt.

Regionale Dialogserie zum afghanischen Friedensprozess

Stärkung des regionalen Konsenses zu Afghanistan

Am 28. Mai und 06. Juni 2020 initiierten die Heart of Asia Society (HAS), die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Kabul und das Center on International Cooperation der New York University (NYU) eine Dialogreihe (Track-II / Track I.5) zum afghanischen Friedensprozess.

Training für afghanische Nachwuchs-Journalistinnen

Journalismus in Konfliktländern

Vom 18.-20. Februar 2020 veranstaltete die KAS in Kooperation mit Pajhwok Afghan News ein dreitägiges Training in Kabul für afghanische Nachwuchsjournalistinnen.

16. South Asian Economics Students' Meet (SAESM) in Nepal

Regionaler Studentenaustausch in Südasien

Vom 21.-26. Januar 2020 trafen sich aus allen SAARC-Ländern je 10 ausgewählte Wirtschaftsstudenten pro Land in Kathmandu, Nepal, um über aktuelle Herausforderungen und Chancen regionaler Integration und Entwicklung in Südasien zu debattieren.

Afghanisch-Europäischer Sicherheitsdialog 2019

Afghanische Delegation in Brüssel, Berlin und Hamburg

Vom 11. bis. 16. November 2019 nahm eine hochrangige afghanische Delegation am KAS Afghanisch-Europäischen Sicherheitsdialog in Brüssel, Berlin und Hamburg teil.

2. Internationale Afghanistan-Fachkonferenz

100 Jahre Unabhängigkeit Afghanistans

Am 17. und 18. August 2019 veranstalteten ACKU, KAS und AIAS an der Universität Kabul die 2. internationale Afghanistan-Fachkonferenz.

15. South Asian Economics Students' Meet (SAESM) in Sri Lanka

Regionaler Studentenaustausch in Südasien

Vom 21.-24. Januar 2019 trafen sich aus allen SAARC-Ländern je 10 ausgewählte Wirtschaftsstudenten pro Land in Colombo, Sri Lanka, um über aktuelle Herausforderungen und Chancen regionaler Integration und Entwicklung in Südasien zu debattieren.

Zweites KAS-EPD-Seminar: Seminar und Follow-up-Workshop Women Economic Empowerment

Unternehmerinnen in der afghanischen Provinz

Gemeinsam mit der afghanischen NGO EPD (Equality for Peace and Democracy) führt das Auslandsbüro Afghanistan der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung am 22. und 23. Mai einen Follow-Up-Workshop für afghanische Unternehmerinnen in der Provinz durch.

KAS-NCPR-Konferenz vom 17. Mai 2017 "The impact of the US presidential election on Afghanistan"

Afghanistan and its future prospects

In Zusammenarbeit mit seinem Partnerinstitut NCPR führte das KAS-Auslandsbüro Afghanistan am 17. Mai 2017 eine Konferenz zum Thema "The impact of the US-presidential elections on Afghanistan" durch.

Erstes KAS-EPD-Seminar: Women Economic Empowerment -

Unternehmerinnen in Afghanistan

Am 13. April 2017 führte das KAS-Auslandsbüro Afghanistan zusammen mit der afghanischen Partnerorganisation EPD (Equality for Peace and Democracy) ein Seminar für Unternehmerinnen in Afghanistan zum Thema "Women Economic Empowerment" durch.

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