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The Position of the Person in the Bulgarian Educational System
A conference dedicated to reforms in the educational system
The Transformation from Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0
the Challenges face the Universities
• Information systematization regarding practices and trends in Europe, Bulgarian and German economy in the field of digital manufacturing and planning on the principles of Industry 4.0 – lessons learnt; • Information and good practices from Bulgaria and Germany exchange regarding organization of expert teams at municipal and regional level in order to support establishment of national and regional policies, pilot projects and practical approaches for development of new digital paradigm in the field of Industry 5.0 , Society 5.0 and initialization of University 5.0; • Discussion and popularization of solutions for the new paradigm of manufacturing and education in favour of municipal policies and citizens in Bulgaria; • Sustainable enhancing of institutional cooperation between Ministries in charge, municipalities, social-economic partners, business and local administrative authorities towards Society 5.0 in connection with University 5.0; • Popularization of the Project`s outcomes among BIA`s structures supporting the Digital Industry and Society;
A summer school with the following goals: • To increase the knowledge of the youth about the international security and NATO’s activities • To outline the perspectives and role of NATO in the International Relation • To brainstorm ideas about some of the new challenges that the Alliance is facing
Дясноцентристките партии в новия Европейски парламент
Проява, посветена на анализ на европейскитен избори.
Интеркултурен диалог
Проява, която има за цел да стимулира диалога между академичната общност и мюсюлманското малцинство в България.
Предстявяне на книга
Погубенатата България
Представяне на книгата "Погубената България", в която са събрани свидетелства и разкази за комунистическите репресии в България след 9.9.1944.
European Defense - the Way Forward
A joint conference with the Sofia Security Forum under the patronage of the Chairman of the Defense Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria Gen. (ret.) Constantin Popov. Bulgarian politicians from different sides of the political spectrum will debate the Bulgaria’s approach to the future of the European security and defense. Prominent international speakers will share their assessments.
European Defense - the Way Forward
A joint conference with the Sofia Security Forum under the patronage of the Chairman of the Defense Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria Gen. (ret.) Constantin Popov. Bulgarian politicians from different sides of the political spectrum will debate the Bulgaria’s approach to the future of the European security and defense. Prominent international speakers will share their assessments.