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Event Reports

Paths to sustainable agriculture

On 15 March, a seminar on "Towards sustainable agriculture" was held in Astana. The event was organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the German-Kazakh Agricultural Policy Dialogue.

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The agenda of the seminar included introductory lectures and two panel discussions on the topics "Resource-saving agriculture from specific aspects" and "Use of remote sensing methods". The event was opened by Thomas Helm, Head of KAS Kazakhstan, Dr. Diethard Rudert, Head of the German-Kazakh Agricultural Policy Dialogue project and Jonatan Weinberg, Permanent Deputy Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany. Amon g the other experts were Prof. Tobias Meinel, AMAZONE Kazakhstan, Prof. Sayakhat Nukeshev, Dean of the Technical Faculty of the Seifullin University KazATU, Gulnara Kabzhanova, AG "NC "Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary" and Tolmasbek Boltayev, PhD student ZALF Müncheberg. The experts from Central Asia and Germany gave lectures on the following topics: "Sustainable agriculture - not just a buzzword", "Agronomic and technical solutions for sustainable crop production in the Eurasian steppes", "An example of sustainable agriculture in Germany" and others. According to the experts, the most important terms in a sustainable way of agriculture are "economic efficiency", "environmental friendliness" and "social orientation". The numerous questions of the participants concerned the topics of water management, the problem of state support, state monitoring, human resources, training and particularly relevant question of digitization. Around 100 participants at the event demonstrated the great importance of the topic in the context of Kazakhstan's economic transformation.

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