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AI.WEEKEND – Where Business Meets AI.

AI.Weekend 17

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Expert talk

Attracting, integrating and retaining returnees

Round table about Remigration

On September 11th, 2024, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is organizing a round table discussion on "Attracting, integrating and retaining returnees, second and further generation Croatian and Slovenian families and migrants into school communities" in cooperation with the Institute for Migrations Research (IMIN) in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


A World of Parallel Realities

Bled Strategic Forum 2024

In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation participated in the organization of the 19th Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia from September 2nd to 3rd, 2024.


A World of Parallel Realities

Bled Strategic Forum 2024

In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is participating in the organization of the 19th Bled Strategic Forum from September 2nd to 3rd, 2024 in Slovenia.


Restoring Common Ground

Young Bled Strategic Forum 2024

In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is participating in the organization of the 13th Young Bled Strategic Forum from August 30th to September 1st, 2024, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Restoring Common Ground

Young Bled Strategic Forum 2024

This year, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is supporting the organization of the Young Bled Strategic Forum, which will take place from August 29th to September 1st, 2024, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


"Political Academy" - Final Evaluation

Sommer School

The Croatian Statehood Foundation (ZHDZ) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation are organizing the usual “Summer school” of the Political Academy on the Island of Vis from June 20th to 23rd, 2024, which, as always, represent the advanced training program in the field of political promotion of young talent of the 17th generation.


"Political Academy" PLUS

Alumni Congress

Together with the Croatian Statehood Foundation (ZHDZ), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing from June 14th to 17th, 2024 in Bol on the island of Brač an alumni congress of the participants of the "Political Academy PLUS".

Expert conference

Bridge technologies with regard to a sustainable energy supply

Central Europe Plus - The Importance of Central Europe for the EU

Together with the Hybrid Warfare Research Institute (HWRI), the NSi Institute "Dr. Janez Evangelist Krek" (IJEK) and the Croatian Statehood Foundation (ZHDZ), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing a regional meeting on "The Importance of Central Europe for the EU - Bridge technologies with regard to a sustainable energy supply" in Trakošćan from May 8th to 11th, 2024.

Expert conference

Croatian security industry 2024

International Conference

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing in cooperation with the Croatian Security Association – Professional Security Chamber the international Conference "PRIVATE SECURITY 2024" in Zagreb on April 18th, 2024.;

Expert conference

Society and Technology

29th International Scientific Conference

Together with the Faculty of Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is oragnizing the 29th International Scientific Conference “Society and Technology” from April 18th to 19th in Zagreb.

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KAS Kroatien

Schengen and Security Challenges

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised together with the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Zagreb, on June 5th, 2019 in Zagreb a conference on "Schengen and Security Challenges". In the presence of the Deputy Director-General of Police and the Head of Border Management at the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Ničeno, security experts debated with representatives of the University of Zagreb on the future of the Schengen area, Croatia's possible accession to the Schengen area, and current and future security challenges for Europe and the EU.

KAS Kroatien

The meaning of free access to the information in Croatia

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised in cooperation with the Association of Widows of Croatian War Veterans of the Croatian Homeland War and the Family Association of the Deceased Croatian War Veterans on June 3rd, 2019 in Zagreb a conference about the meaning of free access to the information in Croatia. In the presence of the Former Head of the opposition working group on human rights in Gera (GDR), the former Director of the Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Sarajevo and Deputy Department Head, Department Civic Education in Saarland, Dr. Karsten Dümmel, representatives of both Associations discussed the importance of free access to information in dealing with the totalitarian past of the country.

KAS Kroatien

The Role of Women in Politics and Business

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised in cooperation with the "International Women's Business Network" a conference on "The role of women in politics and business" on May 28th, 2019 in Zagreb. With the participation of the State Secretary in the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Croatia, Nataša Mikuš Žigman, the Members of the Croatian Parliament, Sanja Putica and Sabina Glasovac discussed the situation and role of women in politics, business and the media with domestic and foreign business women.

KAS Kroatien

SMEs in Croatia and Germany

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised yesterday together with the Centre for the Renewal of Culture in Zagreb a conference on "SME in Croatia and Germany". With the participation of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Croatia, Darko Horvat and his Cabinet, the Deputy Head of Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany in Croatia, Harald Seibel and the Director of the German-Croatian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Sven Thorsten Potthoff discussed with economic experts and Croatian entrepreneurs the foundations of the success of SMEs in Germany, the Role and perspectives of SMEs in Croatia and comparison of economic policies of both countries.

Education of Citizens for Democracy

Internationales Symposium

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised together with the Department of Philosophy of the University of Zadar from May 16th to 17th, 2019 a symposium on "Education of Citizens for Democracy". With the participation of vice-rector of the University of Zadar Slaven Zjalić and the head of the office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Sarajevo Sven Petke, Prof. Dr. Jure Zovko discussed with the member of the Croatian parliament and head of the departmentfor philosophy of the University of Zadar Dr. Marko Vučetić and other representatives of the universities in the region on the foundations of democracy and on the promotion of civic commitment in political decision-making processes.

European elections and Croatia within the EU

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised together with the Zagreb Initiative on May 14th, 2019 in Zagreb a round table discussion on "European Elections and Croatia within the EU". With the participation of the MEP Ivana Maletić the journalists Eliana Čandrlić and Željko Trkanjec discussed with representatives of the Zagreb Initiative on the future of Croatia within the EU after the European elections and the possible challenges of the EU budget in the period from 2021 to 2027.

Croatia ahead of the European elections

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised together with the Croatian Paneuropean-Union (HPEU) on May8th 2019 in Zagreb the third round table discussion on "Croatia ahead of the European elections". During the event representatives of theHPEU discussed with the member of the Croatian Parliament and former Ministerof Foreign and European Affairs Davor Ivo Stier on the European elections, the current challenges and the future of Europe and the European Union.

"Slovenia in the EU - Europe at the Crossroads"

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised in cooperation with the "Assembly for Republic" on May 7th, 2019 in Ljubljana a conference on "Europe at the Crossroads". In the presence of the former President of the European Parliament, the former President of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftungand the current Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Commissioner for European Affairs Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, the Chairman of the SDS and former Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Jansa discussed with the Chairman of the SLS Marjan Podobnik about the upcoming European elections and the future of Slovenia in the EU.

KAS Kroatien

"Political Academy" PLUS

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organised together with the Croatian Statehood Foundation (ZHDZ) from April 25th to 28th, 2019 in Dubrovnik another seminar of the series "Political Academy PLUS". With the participation of the Croatian Minister of the Interior Dr. Davor Božinović and the Member of the Croatian Parliament Irena Petrijevčanin Vuksanović the participants discussed with selected representatives of various Croatian universities the importance of political communication, democratisation processes in post-communist societies, conflicts in the Middle East and the challenges of international security and cooperation.

KAS Kroatien

Croatia ahead of the European elections II

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised together with the Croatian Paneuropean-Union (HPEU) on April 11th, 2019 in Osijek a second round table discussion on "Croatia ahead of the European elections". During the event representatives of theHPEU discussed with representatives of the University of Osijek and the independent candidate for the European Parliament, MEP Marijana Petir, the upcoming European elections, the agricultural policy of the EU and EU Council Presidency of Croatia in 2020.