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Expert conference

Bridge technologies with regard to a sustainable energy supply

Central Europe Plus - The Importance of Central Europe for the EU

Together with the Hybrid Warfare Research Institute (HWRI), the NSi Institute "Dr. Janez Evangelist Krek" (IJEK) and the Croatian Statehood Foundation (ZHDZ), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing a regional meeting on "The Importance of Central Europe for the EU - Bridge technologies with regard to a sustainable energy supply" in Trakošćan from May 8th to 11th, 2024.

Expert conference

Croatian security industry 2024

International Conference

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing in cooperation with the Croatian Security Association – Professional Security Chamber the international Conference "PRIVATE SECURITY 2024" in Zagreb on April 18th, 2024.;

Expert conference

Society and Technology

29th International Scientific Conference

Together with the Faculty of Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is oragnizing the 29th International Scientific Conference “Society and Technology” from April 18th to 19th in Zagreb.

Expert conference

"Smart Solutions" for Sustainable Urban Development

10th Smart Cities Conference

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing together with the business magazine Lider a conference on "Smart Solutions" for Sustainable Urban Development in Zagreb from March 28th to 29th, 2024.

Expert conference

Building a Philanthropy and Fundraising Culture in Croatia


Together with the Croatian County Association (CCA) and the "Žuta točka" Institute, the Konrad Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing a conference entitled "Building a Philanthropy and Fundraising Culture in Croatia" in Zagreb from March 19th to 21st, 2024.


15th Pučnik's Symposium: "30th anniversary of the Depala vas affair"


The "Jože Pučnik Institute" (IJP) of the SDS is organizing together with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Slovenska Bistrica and a symposium on democracy promotion in Slovenia on March 15th, 2024.


"political Academy" of the NSi


The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) is organizing another seminar of the NSi “Political Academy” in collaboration with the NSi Institute "Dr. Janez Evangelist Krek" (IJEK) which will take place from February 2nd to 3rd, 2024, in Bled, Slovenia.


11th KAS/ZHDZ Congress on Values

Annual Congress

Together with the Croatian Statehood Foundation and the Catholic University of Croatia, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing on December 6th, 2023 in Zagreb an annual congress on Values. During the congress, issues of values in politics and society will be discussed.

Expert conference

New security challenges for Europe - Russia's attack on Ukraine

11th Regional Security Conference

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing together with the Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC) from December 6th to 7th, 2023 in Zagreb the 11th regional conference on the current security challenges in Southeast Europe with a focus on the war in Ukraine.

Book presentation

Croatia's (hidden) potential – Highly skilled, young remigrants as agents of change

Study Presentation

Together with the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is organizing the presentation of the study “Croatia's (hidden) potential – Highly skilled, young remigrants as agents of change” on November 23rd,2023 in Zagreb.

Asset Publisher

KAS Kroatien

Croatia and Western Balkan states (WB6)

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised together with the Hybrid Warfare Research Institute on December 9th, 2019 in Zagreb a round table discussion on the current political situation in Croatia and the Western Balkans. Along with the Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatian, Stribor Kikerec, Croatian politicans, historians and security experts discussed with their colleagues from neighboring States on Croatia's experience in the Euro-Atlantic integration (EU and NATO) and its relationships with the countries in the area.

7th Congress on Values

"Christian Democratic Values in Politics and Society"

Together with the Croatian Statehood Foundation, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised their traditional "Conference on Values" in Zagreb on December 5th, 2019. In the presence of the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Gordan Jandroković, the Member of the European Parliament and Vice-president of the Slovenian Democratic Party, Milan Zver, PhD, the Chairman of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Chairman of the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dragan Čović, PhD as well as the Rector of the Catholic University of Croatia, Prof. Željko Tanjić, PhD we discussed about the importance of Christian Democratic values for the development of politics and modern European society.

KAS Kroatien

Konjunkturerwartungen und Prognosen für das Jahr 2020

Economic Policy Debate

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung veranstaltete zusammen mit der „Zagreber Initiative“ am 02. Dezember 2019 in Zagreb das EPD-Debattenforum zum Thema: „Konjunkturerwartungen und Prognosen für das Jahr 2020. Unter Beteiligung des kroatischen Wirtschaftsanalytikers Dr. Damir Novotny, debattierten Wirtschaftsexperten und Unternehmensvertreter über die aktuelle wirtschaftliche Lage im Land, eine mögliche Einführung des Euros und die erwarteten, zukünftigen wirtschafts- und finanzpolitischen Reformen in Kroatien.

Church and Society

International symposium: "New dialogue - new dialogue partner"

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized together with the Franciscan Institute for the Culture of Freedom a symposium on "Church and Society". During the conference, theologians discussed with representatives of universities and civil and religious communities the role of the church in modern society and the relationship between church, society and politics in Croatia.

KAS Kroatien

(Re)migration and Economic Development

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised together with the Faculty of Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb and the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar on November 12th, 2019 in Zagreb a conference on "(Re)migration and Economic Development". The Secretary of the Central State Office for Croats Abroad, Mr. Zvonko Milas, discussed with representatives of KAS partner organizations, domestic and foreign demography and migration experts challenges of Croatian emigration abroad as well as the economic potential and the return of the Croatian diaspora.

KAS Kroatien

Re- und Zirkularmigration als Kohäsionsstrategie

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung veranstaltete mit dem Institut für Sozialwissenschaften „Ivo Pilar“ und dem Institut für Entwicklung und Internationale Beziehungen (IRMO) am 11. November 2019 in Zagreb eine Konferenz zum Thema: "Re- und Zirkularmigration als Kohäsionsstrategie". Vertreter der KAS-Partneroragnisationen diskutierten mit in- und ausländischen Demographie- und Migrationsexperten über den möglichen Einfluss von Re- und Zirkularmigration auf die Wirtschaftsentwicklung der Heimatländer sowie über notwendige Strategien zur Senkung bzw. Einstellung der Auswanderung von gut (aus-)gebildeten Bürgern ins Ausland.

KAS Kroatien

Geopolitik der Energieressourcen und Energiesicherheit

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung veranstaltete zusammen mit der Politikwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Zagreb am 29. Oktober 2019 in Zagreb eine Konferenz über die energiepolitischen Herausforderungen Kroatiens und der EU. Unter Beteiligung des kroatischen Assistenzministers im Energie- und Umweltministeriums, Domagoj Validžić und des strategischen Energieanalytikers des Hague Center for Strategic Studies, Dr. Jan Frederik Braun, und weiteren Energie- und Wirtschaftsexperten erläuterte man u.a. den Einfluss von Energieressourcen auf die aktuellen geopolitischen Änderungen weltweit.

Globalization of Migration, Anti-Immigrant Parties and Xenophobia in the EU

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised with the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMIN) on October 26th, 2019 in Split an international conference on "Globalization of Migration, Anti-Immigrant Parties and Xenophobia in the EU". During the event, migration experts and university representatives from the United States and numerous European countries discussed the challenges and consequences of migration worldwide.

New Media Formats: Television

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized in cooperation with the University of Dubrovnik in Dubrovnik from October 25th to 26th, 2019 a conference on new media formats. During the two-day conference, communication experts from countries in Southeastern Europe discussed with representatives of Croatian universities, the importance of public broadcast service and its role in shaping culture, society, politics and the state.


EU and Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

The Croatian Paneuropean Union (HPEU) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised from October 25th to 27th, 2019 in Split a conference on "EU and Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU". In the presence of the Croatian Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Dr. Goran Grlić Radman, Croatian EPP Members in the European Parliament discussed with representatives of the International Paneuropean Union the upcoming Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU and the current political trends and challenges in the EU.