


Conference Report: Energy, Trade and Climate Dialogue III: Opportunities to Link Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

19 April 2024, Maputo, Mozambique

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung hosted the “Energy, Trade and Climate Dialogue III: Opportunities to link sustainable development and economic growth” in Maputo, Mozambique. The dialogue aimed to: › Discuss the connection between trade, energy and climate and new trade policies such as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), carbon markets etc. › Understand how African countries can benefit from emerging trade issues and what steps should be taken next; and › Support research institutions and think tanks to formulate policy recommendations for African governments towards trade- and energy related climate policies.

Impacts of Existing Policies on Low Emissions Development on Energy Sector in Malawi

The Initiative for Climate Action and Development (ICAD)

The 2021 update to Malawi's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) outlines priority climate actions until 2040, including strategies like the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) and the National Climate Change Management Policy (NCCMP). Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7, Malawi's Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS III) emphasizes energy's critical role in economic development. Achieving these goals requires a dedicated Low Emissions Development Strategy, better coordination, capacity building, and enhanced financing, targeting 85% emissions reduction by 2040 for a sustainable and resilient future.

Advancing the Growing Global Prioritisation of Health in Climate Negotiations for Climate Resilient Health Systems in Africa

Climate Change in Africa: Impacts on Health and Food Security

Climate change poses significant health and food security risks in Africa due to its geographic location, reliance on climate-sensitive resources, and socio-economic vulnerabilities. Rising temperatures and rainfall patterns increase the prevalence of infectious diseases like malaria and diarrhoea, disproportionately affecting children and pregnant women. Without intervention, climate change could lead to an additional 250,000 deaths annually by 2030-2050, primarily in Africa."



In a bid to align with the obligation of the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2 Degrees Celsius, ideally 1.5 Degrees compared to pre-industrialised levels, more and more countries are introducing strategies to reduce their national emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) over the coming decades. Several countries have enacted laws and policies that evidence their commitment to reduce greenhouse gases or have announced dates until which they aim to become carbon neutral. Interestingly, this also includes more and more low and middle-income countries that still have trajectories of significant industrial and economic growth ahead of them. Therefore, the energy transition shift is not only a shift to decarbonise existing economies but also to enable industrialization and economic growth based on low-carbon technologies.



The diversity of global climate initiatives lack coordination, requiring a collective framework for effective integration of actions. Current efforts inadequately drive climate ambition, necessitating a new vision emphasizing creativity, context-specific strategies, and systemic transformations. African nations encounter obstacles meeting Paris Agreement targets. This report urges for enhanced cooperation focusing on environmental, transformative, and distributive outcomes — an effort that COP28 could guide for improved international cooperation beyond UNFCCC.


Gipfel für einen neuen globalen Pakt zur Klimafinanzierung

Ende Juni 2023 trafen sich auf Einladung des französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus Politik, Finanzwelt und Zivilgesellschaft zum „Gipfel für einen neuen globalen Finanzpakt“. Ziel des Gipfels war es, die Grundlage für einen Konsens zur Reform des internationalen Finanzsystems zu schaffen, um den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels, der sozialen Ungleichheit und des Biodiversitätsschutzes besser begegnen zu können und einen neuen Pakt zwischen dem Globalen Süden und dem Globalem Norden zu finden. Das Medieninteresse war entsprechend groß. Doch wie sind die Ergebnisse des Gipfels zu bewerten?

The 3rd Climate Diplomacy Academy, 2023

The conference aims to enhance the participants' understanding of climate change, its impacts, and the critical role of climate diplomacy in driving responsive climate action.

Our mission is to empower young and aspiring climate change diplomats, negotiators, and policymakers from across SSA. Together, we aim to amplify the critical role of climate diplomacy and international cooperation in taking action against climate change.

Media Perceptions of Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa

Media, as a source of information, plays a leading role in raising public awareness and understanding of climate change and its impacts across communities and nations. This study was conducted to understand how climate change is perceived in the media in Sub-Saharan Africa. It reflects on how journalists from different countries in the region often frame and report on climate change issues under varied contexts.

Unpacking the Nexus between Climate Change and Extractive Industries in Sub-Saharan Africa

This publication, comprising a compilation of diverse studies on the nexus between climate change and extractive industries, seeks to propose strategies on how extractive industries can take meaningful action related to climate change mitigation and adaption measures along their production chain in Sub-Saharan Africa


Fostering a sustainable and secure energy supply for Kenya

This policy brief was written by Maria Apergi, Laima Eicke, Andreas Goldthau, Judith Hermann, Jude Kurniawan, Esther Schuch, and Silvia Weko. The authors’ research for this policy brief is funded by the Investigating the Systemic Impacts of the Global Energy Transition (ISIGET) project, financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the “Make our Planet Great Again – German Research Initiative”; Grant Nr. 57429628, implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The workshops that took place as part of the data collection process for this policy brief were funded and organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa, based in Nairobi, Kenya.

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