

Greek-German Youth Forum

Young Greeks and Germans discuss about their common future


On the occasion of the visit of a delegation of the Young European Federalists Bavaria, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Athens and the Young European Federalists Greece co-organised a two-day Youth Forum on the Greek-German relations.

The first part of the Forum was organised in a round table-discussion in the Representation of the European Parliament in Athens. Prof. Charalambos Papasotiriou and Prof. Panagiotis Kanellopoulos gave their insights on the evolution of the Greek-German Relations in strategic and political terms. The audience, comprising university students and young professionals, actively engaged in questions and answers.

The second part of the Forum took place in the City Hall of Hydra. The representatives of the Young European Federalists from Bavaria had the opportunity to interact with Greek high-school students, aged 16-17, from Hydra. The focal point of discussion was the role of the media in Greek-German relations.

After a welcoming-speech by Angelos Koronis, the mayor of Hydra, Elina Makri, freelance journalist, gave a presentation of the Greek-German young media project of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung An active discussion between Greeks and Germans on how media took part in twisting the friendship between Greece and Germany followed this presentation.


