


Katiba News October 08

A critical analysis of democracy and governance issues in Kenya, giving information on the Constitution Review Process

Content: oDisbanding and reconstituting the ECKoExamining the independence of IRECoKatiba briefsoPost election violence commission of inquiryoPolitical parties and democratic governance in Kenya

Katiba News September 08

A critical analysis of democracy and governance issues in Kenya, giving information on the Constitution Review Process

Content: oGoing back to the pollsoInterview with KNCHR chairoAmnesty or notoTackling inequalities in Kenya

Katiba News August 08

A critical analysis of democracy and governance issues in Kenya, giving information on the Constitution Review Process

Content: oTerrorism, human rights and national securityoMaking the constitutionoKatiba briefsoParliamentary reformsoNational Reconciliation Accord

Katiba News July 08

A critical analysis of democracy and governance issues in Kenya, giving information on the Constitution Review Process

Content:oKimunya’s exitoThe land of endless commissionsoChanging the constitutionoKatiba briefsoCrisis of confidence

Katiba News June 08

A critical analysis of democracy and governance issues in Kenya, giving information on the Constitution Review Process

Content: oThe electoral fiasco in AfricaoInterviews on constitutional reviewoIn my opinionoGrand corruption in KenyaoKatiba briefs

Katiba News May 08

A critical analysis of democracy and governance issues in Kenya, giving information on the Constitution Review Process

Content:oThe grand opposition comes to townoThe shattered Kenyan ConstitutionoIn my opinionoOperation to wherever!oProposals for land tenure reform

Katiba News April 08

A critical analysis of democracy and governance issues in Kenya, giving information on the Constitution Review Process

Content: oWill Kenya survive the grand coalition?oThe human rights record in KenyaoLand reforms in post independent KenyaoSafeguarding affirmative action in the Kenya Constitution

Katiba News March 08

A critical analysis of democracy and governance issues in Kenya, giving information on the Constitution Review Process

Content: oComing in and from the cold! – The national dialogue and reconciliation CommitteeoGetting down to business in the 10th ParliamentoThe big issue – Executive versus non-executive Prime ministeroThe land question in Kenya – A historical account of Kenya’s demographic trends and population settlements

Katiba News February 08

A critical analysis of democracy and governance issues in Kenya, giving information on the Constitution Review Process

Content: oTruth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission- Is it a timely and important intervention for Kenya?oShould the watchdog bite?- Kenya Media on the LineoWhich way the 10th ParliamentoPolitical settlement must go beyond power sharing

Wahlen in Kenia von gewalttätigen Unruhen überschattet

Verdacht der Wahlmanipulation

Es ist ein trauriges Bild, das das sonst so friedliche Kenia zur Zeit der Weltöffentlichkeit bietet. Ein offizielles Wahlergebnis, das viele Fragen offen lässt und gewalttätige Unruhen, Brandstiftungen und Plünderungen in vielen Städten des Landes, die bereits zahlreiche Todesopfer zur Folge hatten. Kenia, das erhebliche Fortschritte auf dem Weg zu einer demokratischen Gesellschaftsordnung gemacht zu haben schien, ist in Gefahr, seinen guten Ruf zu verspielen. Eine Dokumentation des Wahlverlaufs bietet unser Länderbericht, der oben als PDF zum Download bereitsteht.