


social media by Sean MacEntee

"Nutzen Sie Soziale Medien, aber lassen Sie sich nicht von ihnen treiben."

Christoph Plate, Leiter des Medienprogramms Subsahara-Afrika, im Interview über die Rolle des Journalismus in Afrika

In den 53 afrikanischen Staaten ist die Pressefreiheit sehr unterschiedlich weit ausgeprägt. Für eine Aussage, die man in Südafrika ohne Probleme äußern kann, ist es möglich, in Simbabwe und Angola eingesperrt zu werden. Wie es um die Pressefreiheit in Afrika bestellt ist, welche Bedeutung Fake-News für die afrikanische Gesellschaft haben und wie Medienhäuser es schaffen, trotz sinkender Auflage weiterhin zu bestehen, erklärt Christoph Plate im Videointerview.

What brings foreign broadcasters to Africa?

Using the examples of China and Germany

In this paper we take a closer look at two global players: Germany with its programs for radio and TV through Deutsche Welle and one of the youngest actors on the world media stage: China, with the TV station CGTN, CRI radio, the news agency Xinhua and the newspaper China Daily, whose ap-pearance in Africa had been watched and analyzed closely.

Social Media Guide for Politicians (French pdf version)

Social Media has finally arrived in politics in Africa. Just a few years ago it was hard to convince party bosses that they should set aside funds and resources for social media. Some might have been worried to share control, others were simply not familiar with the new technologies. Now we see social media as an essential tool in many campaigns. But again it is not sufficient just to set up a Facebook account and wait for victory in the next elections – social media is a tool that should be used but without being driven by it. Now the Social Media Guide is also available in French.

KAS Media Africa Scholarship 2019

Call for application

KAS Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa is offering a university scholarship to a promising, young sub-Saharan African journalist to do a full-time Honours or Masters Degree at the University of Witwatersrand's Journalism Programme in Johannesburg in 2019. The scholarship includes the university fees, return flight to Johannesburg, accommodation costs for student housing and a monthly stipend.

Social Media Guide for Politicians

Social Media has finally arrived in politics in Africa. Just a fewyears ago it was hard to convince party bosses that they shouldset aside funds and resources for social media. Some mighthave been worried to share control, others were simply notfamiliar with the new technologies. Now we see social mediaas an essential tool in many campaigns. But again it is notsufficient just to set up a Facebook account and wait for victoryin the next elections – social media is a tool that should beused but without being driven by it.

Achtung, Betrug im Internet!

Falsche Informationen zu Stipendien der Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung

Liebe Bewerber und Bewerberinnen für Stipendien der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, im Internet kursieren verschiedene Angebote über Dienstleistungen für den Erhalt eines Stipendiums in Deutschland gegen zum Teil erhebliche Kosten. Bei einigen Webseiten wird dabei missbräuchlich das Logo der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung verwendet.

"Journalism is the force for progressive social change"

The new KAS Media Scholar Arnold Segawa

KAS Media Africa’s new scholar for the 2018 journalism scholarship, Arnold Segawa, is 28 years old and from Uganda. After his Bachelor Degree in International Business at Makerere University he did his Post Graduate Diploma in Oil and Gas Management at Victoria University, Kampala. After one year as a Program Manager at 94.3 Royal FM in Kigali he started working for CNBC Africa as the news anchor and producer. He is registered for a Master’s degree and will be studying at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg for one year.

Wie Peking Afrikas Eliten lockt

Chinesische Investitionen in Afrika stellen eine Chance für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung dar. Doch Pekings Werben um die Meinungsführer auf dem Kontinent, um Politiker und Journalisten ist auch ein Angriff auf westliche Interessen. Mit Seminaren, Publikationen, bei Studienreisen und mithilfe von Stipendien wird das chinesische Ein-Parteien-Modell gegen die westliche Gewaltenteilung propagiert, die zentralistische Diktatur gegen demokratische Kultur. Dieser Angriff stellt eine wachsende Herausforderung für die Politische Kommunikation und die Medienarbeit in Afrika dar.

Die Entstehung des politischen Bloggens im francophonen Afrika

Politisches Bloggen in den franzoesisch sprachigen Landern in Sub-Sahara Afrika ist ein bisher kaum beachteter Forschungsbereich. Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat deshalb die Bedingungen untersucht, unter denen franzosische Blogs in Afrika exisitieren.

The Vth AU-EU summit: a turning point for relations between Africa and Europe?

On 29th and 30th of November 2017 the 5th AU-EU Summit took place in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. 16 of the 28 EU Member States attended the summit, amongst them the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron. For both countries Africa stands high on the political agenda, and the ad hoc initiative undertaken at the summit to address the modern slave trade in Libya highlights the joint concern but also the renewed Franco-German partner- and leadership.