



Senior Business Editors Attend Business Journalism Conference in Lusaka, Zambia

Deliberations on Challenges of Being a Business Reporter and Illustrating Business Journalism in Africa

In February 2023, KAS Media Africa hosted its second Business Journalism Conference in Lusaka, Zambia. In attendance were 14 participants from Angola, Ethiopia, Germany, Malawi, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Drei afrikanische Lokaljournalisten gewinnen KAS Media Africa Award for Local Journalism

Preisträger decken mit ihren Reportagen Missstände in Afrika auf

Lokaljournalismus ist für viele afrikanische Medien sehr wichtig. Die Nachrichten aus der unmittelbaren Umgebung schaffen Bindung zwischen Lesern und Hörern und einer Zeitung oder einem Radiosender. Umso erstaunlicher ist, dass viele Lokaljournalisten schlecht bezahlt werden, ihre Arbeit von vielen Verlegern kaum wertgeschätzt wird und sie sich oft Anfeindungen lokaler Würdenträger ausgesetzt sehen, über die sie kritisch berichten.


Newsroom Managers from Across the African Continent Meet to Share Experiences and Gain Insight

In November 2022, KAS Media Africa and the Graduate School of Media and Communications (GSMC) at the Aga Khan University conducted their first conflict management in newsrooms course held in Nairobi, Kenya. 15 Newsroom managers from Zimbabwe, Uganda, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, The Gambia, Rwanda and Malawi, beat out over 150 applicants from the continent to be part of the first cohort of the course.

How to rejuvenate Public Service Broadcasting in Africa KAS Media Africa Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Experts from across Africa meet to discuss challenges and opportunities in public Service Broadcasting

Public Service Broadcasters (PSBs) have resources, they are heard nationwide and they have well trained journalists, says Joseph Warungu, formerly of the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, later of the BBC, where for years he was the head of the famous Focus on Africa magazine.

African Fact-checkers on KAS-Dialogue Programme in Berlin and Brussels

KAS Media Africa Supports African Fact-Checkers as they Meet Colleagues in Berlin and Brussels

That dialogue with social networks seems to be as difficult in Europe as it is in Africa, was one of the findings that fact-checkers from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Ghana and Senegal made on a recent KAS-study tour to Berlin and Brussels in late August 2022.

KAS Media Africa at IPI-World Congress in New York

KAS Media Africa joined journalists from across the world in New York in September 2022

KAS Media Africa participated at the 72nd International Press Institute (IPI) World Congress with Motunrayo Alaka of the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism in Lagos, Nigeria and Nwabisa Makunga of the Sowetan in South Africa as speakers.

International Press Institute – Africa Mission 2022

KAS Media Africa supports the IPI on a fact-finding mission to Botswana, Mozambique and South Africa

IPI delegation and KAS Media Africa team visit southern Africa to assess and report back on the state of press freedom in the region.

Speechwriters Meet on Historical Island of Gorée

KAS Media Africa Hosts Second Speech Writing Conference in Senegal in July, 2022. The Conference brought together anglophone, lusophone and francophone writers from 10 countries.

KAS Media Africa at the Exile Media Forum in Hamburg

Conference discusses the plight of journalists in repressive societies

Africa and the Social Media Giants

KAS Media Africa Conference in Accra, Ghana

In June 2022, KAS Media Africa hosted a conference on social media and its particular relationship with African users. The conference brought together 18 participants from eight countries, including Ethiopia, eSwatini, Kenya and Germany.


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.