


Discussion on Earmarking in the Multilateral Development System

Dr. Max-Otto Baumann, Senior Researcher at the German Development Institute, introduced a pre-liminary version of the report titled Shades of Grey: Earmarking in the Multilateral Development System at KAS New York Office soliciting feedback from a group of experts from UN agencies and Member States’ missions.

KAS New York

Contemporary Challenges to the Independence of Judges and Lawyers

UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, KAS New York, NYC BAR Association

Dinner with Mr. Martin Jäger, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

During a small gathering with German UN staff members at the KAS New York Office, State Secretary Jäger reaffirmed his ministry’s strong commitment to the United Nations system and multilateralism. No major country can benefit more from a rules-based world order than Germany.

Migration and Demography in Sub-Sahara Africa

Dr. Stephen Smith, Professor of African and African American Studies at Duke University and Author of the Scramble for Europe speaks at the New York Office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation on January 15th, 2019

New Year’s Reception with the German Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Christoph Heusgen

At a reception with alumni and current fellows of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Ambassador Christoph Heusgen, Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations, spelled out the priorities during the German membership in the UN Security Council.

Expert Roundtable: Harvesting benefits & addressing challenges of migration

On November 19th, 2018 KAS New York invited selected authors of the research and publication project Refugees and Migrants in Law and Policy – Challenges and Opportunities for Global Civic Education to present their findings and discuss with other participating experts the implications of their research for the achievement of the Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration objectives. This outcome report is intended to give an overview of the discussed topics. Issues such as inclusive early childhood education, host community experiences, refugee integration through civic education, PTSD amongst refugees and migrants as well as the complexities of integration in South-South migration were addressed.

Der Reformprozess der Vereinten Nationen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: eine deutsche Perspektive

Dr. Sebastian Paust, Leiter des Referates für Vereinte Nationen im Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), sprach am 7. November bei einem gemeinsamen Mittagessen mit deutschen Mitarbeitern bei den Vereinten Nationen über die Reforminitiativen des Generalsekretärs, denen er die volle Unterstützung seines Hauses zusagte. Zu der Veranstaltung hatten das KAS Büro New York und der Verband deutscher Bediensteter bei Internationalen Organisationen (VDBIO) eingeladen.

Organized Crime on the UN Security Council Agenda

Judith Vorrath, Senior Associate in the International Security Division of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) shares her research on Security Council sanctions and transnational organized crime at KAS New York

Die Einbindung des Privatsektors in den Kampf gegen die Korruption

Da die Rolle, die der lateinamerikanische Privatsektor im Kampf gegen die Korruption spielen könnte zunehmend in den Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit rückt, lud KAS NY Vertreter der Industrieverbände und Handelskammern aus Guatemala und Honduras ein, um Gespräche mit impulsgebenden Experten des Good Governance und der Korruptionsbekämpfung in New York zu führen.

What does the world expect of Germany?

KAS New York welcomed Paul Ziemiak, Member of the German Bundestag (CDU) and Federal Chairman of the Junge Union and Frances A. Devlin, American Council on Germany (AGC) Board Member and Director of Global Policy & International Public Affairs at Pfizer to discuss global expectations of Germany in the public and private sector.


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